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Eminent Member
Joined: Aug 18, 2008
Topics: 0 / Replies: 27
RE: The Eulerian Path [Action, Adventure, Character Driven]

OOC: First post in a while now, so pardon me if its a little creaky! I felt the inclination to work some quotations in here, so hopefully they'll add ...

14 years ago
RE: The Eulerian Path [Action, Adventure, Character Driven]

Boss Houiri's Territory, Rithm, 8 years ago (Heather's perspective) continued...Faced with a potentially deadly dilemma and very little time to answer...

14 years ago
RE: The Eulerian Path [Action, Adventure, Character Driven]

Boss Houiri's Territory, Rithm, 8 years ago (Heather's perspective) continued...Houiri's sudden shift of attention to her made the girl feel very unea...

15 years ago
RE: The Eulerian Path [Action, Adventure, Character Driven]

Boss Houiri's Territory, Rithm, 8 year's ago (Heather's perspective), continued...The girl felt the tension return as Houiri entered the room. Though ...

15 years ago
RE: The Eulerian Path [Action, Adventure, Character Driven]

Boss Houiri's Territory, Rithm, 8 years ago (Heather's perspective) continued..."I suppose that means you have to keep your promise then," the girl sa...

15 years ago
RE: The Eulerian Path [Action, Adventure, Character Driven]

Boss Houiri's Territory, Rithm, 8 years ago (Heather's perspective), continued... The girl listened closely to the words Dirac whispere...

15 years ago
RE: The Eulerian Path [Action, Adventure, Character Driven]

Boss Houiri's Territory, Rithm, 8 years ago (Heather's perspective), continued... The girl's green eyes watched Dirac with the int...

15 years ago
RE: The Eulerian Path [Action, Adventure, Character Driven]

Boss Houiri's Territory, Rithm, 8 years ago (Heather's perspective), continued... The girl found Dirac's response to her question s...

15 years ago
RE: The Eulerian Path [Action, Adventure, Character Driven]

Boss Houiri's Territory, Rithm, 8 years ago (Heather's perspective), continued... The girl noted down the closing statements made by t...

15 years ago
RE: The Eulerian Path [Action, Adventure, Character Driven]

Boss Houiri's Territiory, Rithm, 8 years ago (Heather's perspective) continued... Dirac echoed the whitecoat's words "an orph...

15 years ago
RE: The Eulerian Path [Action, Adventure, Character Driven]

Boss Houiri's Territory, Rithm, 8 years ago (Heather's prespective) continued... The girl's eyes followed Dirac's when he gla...

15 years ago
RE: The Eulerian Path [Action, Adventure, Character Driven]

Boss Houiri's Territory, Rithm, 8 years ago (Heather's perspective) continued... As the girl continued to note down the conversation fro...

15 years ago
RE: The Eulerian Path [Action, Adventure, Character Driven]

Boss Houiri's Territory, Rithm, 8 years ago (Heather's perspective), continued... As the whitecoat continued to question Dirac, the gir...

15 years ago
RE: The Eulerian Path [Action, Adventure, Character Driven]

As Sir Meyniel and Heather continued their journey through the Eulerian Complex, Heather's moody silence continued, save for a scant mutter now a...

15 years ago
RE: The Eulerian Path [Action, Adventure, Character Driven]

Rather than a verbal response to Sir Meyniel's comment, Heather simply gave a single,sullen, nod. Her green eyes flickered up to the warning glar...

15 years ago
RE: The Eulerian Path [Action, Adventure, Character Driven]

Heather gave a slight nod as she considered the problem. She suspected that she might be lighter on her feet than Sir Meyniel was. And she was certain...

15 years ago
RE: The Eulerian Path [Action, Adventure, Character Driven]

Heather's eyes had widened at the sight of such a large number of droids heading towards them. Then, as the droids had continued to stream past t...

15 years ago
RE: The Eulerian Path [Action, Adventure, Character Driven]

OOC: A quick congratulations here to Jess, since the RP has now reached-and passed- its 300th post! Keep it up Jess,you rock! IC: Heather sat with...

15 years ago
RE: The Eulerian Path [Action, Adventure, Character Driven]

OOC: This post may well pack quite a lot into it, but hopefully I've allowed Jess to respond fairly quickly to Heather & possibly to rejoin t...

16 years ago
RE: The Eulerian Path [Action, Adventure, Character Driven]

Heather had been busily breaking down the firearms into their component pieces as Sir Meyniel assisted Marko. Then, when the knight had stopped to att...

16 years ago
RE: The Eulerian Path [Action, Adventure, Character Driven]

Heather considered Sir Meyniel's words for a moment. His concept of battle was, she decided, very different from her own. As far as she was conce...

16 years ago
RE: The Eulerian Path [Action, Adventure, Character Driven]

Heather was brooding over old & unpleasant memories as she walked & had been for some time, but she snapped back to the present fast when the ...

16 years ago
RE: The Eulerian Path [Action, Adventure, Character Driven]

The girl smiled at Dirac & nodded her head. This seemed to confirm to Dirac that she would follow his advice & waste not another thought upon ...

16 years ago
RE: The Eulerian Path [Action, Adventure, Character Driven]

Boss Houiri's Territory, Rithm, 9.5 Years Ago... The girl had become more comfortable with the presence of the big man- Dirac...

16 years ago
RE: The Eulerian Path [Action, Adventure, Character Driven]

As Sir Meyniel continued on his way, his shadow continued to follow behind him, listening with interest to the tunes he hummed & whistled. He seem...

16 years ago
RE: The Eulerian Path [Action, Adventure, Character Driven]

In the shadows behind Sir Meyniel Heather did her best to become part of the wall, watching warily as the three humans reached the split in the road w...

16 years ago
RE: The Eulerian Path [Action, Adventure, Character Driven]

OOC: I am in fact Gem using another alt. However, as I explained, I'll be using this alt whenever I play my secondary character. Speaking of whic...

16 years ago