Mobius Forum Archive

Wraith the Echidna
Noble Member
Joined: Apr 26, 2005
Topics: 40 / Replies: 1591
RE: Accepting drawing commissions (and requests - see inside!)

w00t, in that case I will put my name forward if that's okay^^ I understand what you said about requests being lower priority and possibly not being m...

15 years ago
RE: Accepting drawing commissions (and requests - see inside!)

Coo, some impressive work there I might make a request, if that's alright with you perchance? Quick question - are you only doing Humans, or are you...

15 years ago
RE: Right handed/Left handed poll

I'm a really weird one here. In my early years I was always completely ambedextrous - I could use either hand without a care in the world. But from ab...

15 years ago
RE: "Straying from the roots" in the Sonic series...

Can't speak for anyone else, but personally I just take the best bits of any franchise I find and make up my own little universe to keep myself occupi...

15 years ago
RE: Alert! New Sonic Voice Actors! Shinji Hirako and Sakura Haruno are the new Sonic and Tails!!

"Sonic 4 will be the last Sonic game ever. After this game we are killing the franchise dead and starting anew with a different mascot character aimed...

15 years ago
RE: i miss cheats

I miss the zanyness that cheats could bring. Such as low gravity mode in racing games, or that rally game (the original Colin Macrae?) with the car ma...

15 years ago
RE: Sonic vs. Flash

Quicksilver from the Xmen... Are we gonna end up listing every super-speed character ever created?

15 years ago
RE: Most Epic moment in sonic game history?

This creature speaks the truth!!!  I'd forgotten about that one...that's almost as epic as Hyper Sonic if not moreso o.O

15 years ago
RE: Most Epic moment in sonic game history?

"Now Sonic can become Hyper Sonic..."

15 years ago
RE: Annual Forum Tally v8.0

I wasn't gonna bother since I'm largely a lurker here now, but I've actually posted a couple of times recently, so...

15 years ago
RE: what is your favorite sonic game of all time?

Sonic 3 and Knuckles - no contest, hands down. sonic the hedgehog 2 why everyone say sonic3? sonic 2 had the best stuff. ... although sonic 1 was g...

15 years ago
RE: what is your favorite sonic game of all time?

Sonic 3 and Knuckles - no contest, hands down. sonic the hedgehog 2 why everyone say sonic3? sonic 2 had the best stuff. ... although sonic 1 was g...

15 years ago
RE: Custom Title request thread.

Emerald<br>Co-Guardian[/color ] (NB: I hope I got the color tags right, never was any good at them. Sorry if I didn't, but thanks in advance fo...

15 years ago
RE: archie sonic vs fleetway sonic

Archie Sonic would try to pull a power ring stunt and make some wisecracks about being the 'most way past cool hedgie on the planet'... ...then Fleet...

15 years ago
RE: E3 2010 Thread

Glancing through this topic, I'm both shocked and dismayed that as yet the most important announcement from any E3 festival since it's inception - nay...

15 years ago
RE: SONIC THE COMIC: JUDGE DREDD query for Sonic fans.

On the topic of StC online, not to be picky but it's not 'just' a fan comic. Yes, it's made by fans not the official writers of StC, howevet it is set...

15 years ago

You should put a warning or something on that link o.O I clicked it and it kicked my monitor into standby mode, couldn't turn it on again. I had to re...

15 years ago
RE: where's the flickers?!

Wraith, I don´t understand your aversion to the SA games basing on your dislike of Chao. The Chao Gardens were an optional game element, you never...

15 years ago
RE: where's the flickers?!

Have you forgotten that it was the Chao that set the events of Sonic Adventure in motion? If Pachamac and his tribe hadn't massacred the Chao a...

15 years ago
RE: where's the flickers?!

I'm gonna have to back up Sonicsfan on this one guys. Chao are ugly, infuriating, and somehow sickening in their appearance...not sickeningly cute, ju...

15 years ago
RE: Dadadadaum Dadadadum Dadadadum OoooWeeeOooooo... [Doctor Who returns!]

EDIT: What do you know, the Heavy Weapons Guy Dalek IS fan-made, although based on a rejected Dalek design from the 80's. It's fully automated, too. H...

15 years ago
RE: Sonic comes to LittleBigPlanet

I've just downloaded these, they're great fun. Only crit would be the lack of white coloring around their eyes, but you can quickly fix that with a co...

15 years ago
RE: Sonic Music: The Halcyon Days

Wraith the Echidna wrote: Grand Metropolis (Sonic Heroes) Am I the only one who liked the music tracks in SH as well?  No you your not. I co...

15 years ago
RE: Sonic Music: The Halcyon Days

I can't let a music topic pass without a word from me. Many of my favorites have already been said, but some are so good they really need to be said a...

15 years ago
RE: Sonic run on water

It is kinda funny that water kills him tho, considering...

15 years ago
RE: PS3/PSN down... no wait, it's back?

Wellp, I tried my PS3 this evening and still no problems - in fact, the curious little error message I got when LBP starts up, the one that had precis...

15 years ago
RE: PS3/PSN down... no wait, it's back?

As I said above, I have an older PS3 but I don't seem to be affected. I haven't turned it on today yet, but last night I was playing with no problems....

15 years ago
RE: PS3/PSN down... no wait, it's back?

Yeesh, I thought the PSN was quiet tonight. Now I know why it's believed that the date and time is the cause of all this, when the system t...

15 years ago
RE: What if Sonic Heroes had co-op play?

so you could play people across the globe as different characters. This simply MUST be made!!!um.. i'd get confused seeing so many sonics walk around...

15 years ago
RE: What if Sonic Heroes had co-op play?

The sheer levels of WIN this idea inspires are completely beyond the capabillity of expression! Particularly if this co-op was extended to online play...

15 years ago
RE: It just bugs me...

Funny this should come up, as I've been thinking about this (among other things) recently for a little Sonic project I'm working on. My ...

15 years ago
RE: Mobian Geography - Help Needed.

Glad you like it Blue man^^ And P, in response to your questions: 1) Actually truth be told, I've largely taken my 'cannon' fro...

15 years ago
RE: Mobian Geography - Help Needed.

lol the project I'm working on isn't nearly far enough along yet to warrent a topic in Carni Isle. Gonna be a looooooong time before it hits...

15 years ago
RE: Mobian Geography - Help Needed.

lol I could do, but judging by what has been said already some of the things I'm thinking of might be frowned upon. I mean it's my own take ...

15 years ago
RE: Which is better? Archie or Fleetway? There&#39;s only one way to find out...

<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote: Yeah i was rebutting that. I think Archie does a good enough job with Amy. I think she&#...

15 years ago
RE: game reviving

Pedant note: if it was on a cassette tape, it wasn't an Amiga. Amigas were disk-based. A C64, perhaps... Maybe, yeah. I sometimes get...

15 years ago
RE: game reviving

(but Windows had stopped it working even with the backwards compatabillity wizard, so I couldn't play it. It's always been one of my favorit...

15 years ago
RE: Anyone remember Ecco 1 and 2?

I just posted about this series in the 'reviving classics' thread without noticing it was here as well. I think I have the second one, but I...

15 years ago
RE: game reviving

A friend of mine recently gave me a link to an open source version of Chris Sawyer's Transport Tycoon Delux fot the PC. I did have the game befor...

15 years ago
RE: Mobian Geography - Help Needed.

lol let's try not to start an argument or anything here guys, this is ment to be a fun and friendly discussion not a warzone. As I said earlier o...

15 years ago
RE: don't be shy

Hahaha, I tried RPing on Eliteboard back in 2004. XD I was so terrible at it, and it became so difficult to keep up with like four times more schoolwo...

15 years ago
RE: Mobian Geography - Help Needed.

Ah kk thanks for that info^^

15 years ago
RE: don't be shy

I'm such an oldbie, I was here when we were still on EzBarf. How many remember the Great EzHack of 05?Hukos wrote: I remember this as well! I h...

15 years ago
RE: Which is better? Archie or Fleetway? There&#39;s only one way to find out...

<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote: Also since it seems a big deal that Fleetway mirrored the games more. Archie Amy re...

15 years ago
RE: Mobian Geography - Help Needed.

Unless I'm missing something, those 2 player Zones were in S2, not S3. No, Sonic 2's two player zones were just shortened versions of a ...

15 years ago
RE: Which is better? Archie or Fleetway? There&#39;s only one way to find out...

Fleetway had Sonic fighting so many liquid based monsters, that it almost came off as a fetish of theirs. They must have gone off their nut when they ...

15 years ago
RE: Which is better? Archie or Fleetway? There&#39;s only one way to find out...

Yeah this was discussed in The Special Zone forum a while ago. My opinion would be as follows (for ease of reference, important points that can be...

15 years ago
RE: Mobian Geography - Help Needed.

There is useful data for you at each of these sites. The following two links are unrelated to your needs, but continue the list of good Sonic sites. ...

15 years ago
RE: Mobian Geography - Help Needed.

Coo, thanks for the links to the GHZ site guys, I can see that's gonna be extremely helpful Sorry man, I admire your desire, but it will be...

15 years ago
RE: Mobian Geography - Help Needed.

I've been doing some reaserch into Sonic these past few weeks for a personal project, looking for information on various aspects of the games and...

15 years ago
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