Mobius Forum Archive

Wraith the Echidna
Noble Member
Joined: Apr 26, 2005
Topics: 40 / Replies: 1591
RE: The Rise and Fall

(OOC: I dunno but I'm formulating ideas for another post, if only for old-times' sake. May take a while but I'm gonna put something ext...

16 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

lol well true, this has been through enough pauses and breakages to suggest there may still be hope for it I guess. I'm not sure though. I might ...

16 years ago
RE: South Island Topic List

True, a major bump would probably be just as bad or worse as making a whole new thread lol. Thanks for pointing that other thread out tho, I did run a...

16 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

Please forgive the bumpage, but I thought it best I put in a word here as well as in the RP Discussion Thread, as it seems appropriate. To all tho...

16 years ago
RE: The Unofficial RP Discussion Thread!

*Pokes head in* *Looks around* Um...yeah. Hey all, it's been a while. How is everyone? Just like to appologise to people for my dissapeara...

16 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 279
RE: The Rise and Fall

(OOC: I'll put in a word for any who might not have heard too - I'm sorry for my absence all, but this past month or two I have been really ...

16 years ago
RE: The Hammer of Hedgehog X: a Decade's Reminder

"Provided our dear Queen knows what is good for her, I can do it in five." Serash responded with another click of his bone mandibles. "...

17 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

(OOC: It's fantastic to have you back Eclipse man! I was really looking forward to seeing just how Wraith and Lucent would get along - or wouldn&...

17 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

GUN Cell Block Agis watched in suprirse at the racoon's skill in wielding the rather unusual weapon, her eyes piercing. It seemed Celey was i...

17 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

(OOC: I gotta stop making these OOC posts without IC content too, but just to answer your questions Seleth: Asher and Angela were taken into GUN c...

17 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

(OOC: Sorry for the OOC post, but I just wanted to let you guys (and girl) know some good news, Sunsetfox responded to my note on DA and said she'...

17 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

(OOC: You played Amoz better than I ever could Ben! Great work^^) Robotics Labs In the silence, metal hydraulics hissed, and two tiny points o...

17 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

(OOC: Yeah, the seventh chaos emerald, the grey one, is in Wraith's posession. And with regard to the one Ari has, I don't think GUN will ha...

17 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

GUN Prison Block, Cell 2. "Slop's up, scumbags." Two GUN solders stepped in through the doorway, their weapons primed and ready...

17 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

(OOC: I've just realised, did I make a mistake in the recap back there? Looking back at the last few posts before the gap it occurs to me that wh...

17 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

(OOC: That's...quite some character there Egg! Some interesting ideas, looks pretty cool^^ And no, certainly nothing ruined. And Ben, very mu...

17 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

Hey there Brent, good to see you again^^ With regard to what to do with Sword, I'd say you and Pach decide between you, since he's the o...

17 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

And the recap is done. Phew, I forgot just how many characters this RP had! And the recap was limited purely to main player characters or extremely ac...

17 years ago
RE: So, Yuku, like...DYING for anyone else?

Ah much better. Yeah it all seems to be running okay now. I have to admit I'm impressed, I wouldn't have thought it from the EZ/Yuku staff t...

17 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

lol I'm glad you like it Ben^^ Don't worry about taking over, I'm actually really enjoying working through the thing, as I'm remem...

17 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

Start now? Okay. The review as I see it, let me know if I miss anything: The story started with the assasination of the Station Square Preside...

17 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

I actually remember a great deal of this without having to look back, simply because I liked it so much that I've read all through it many times ...

17 years ago
RE: The Rise and Fall

In a word: yes. Although 'yes' doesn't do it about 'very yes!'? Or 'most definitely yes!'? Or �...

17 years ago
RE: Paradise found...

Yeah I went exploring more deeply on the Criterion site after that post, and I think you're right, the new island is yet to be confirmed, and the...

17 years ago
RE: Paradise found...

You sure it ain't the map this update? I'm sure I've seen details somewhere on the oficial site that include the first island in that u...

17 years ago
RE: Paradise found...

The DLC this month is opening up a new section of the map, another island off to the east across the bridges near the Downtown Plaza. It's due th...

17 years ago
17 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 222
RE: Recommend a spyware scanner

For removing spyware I've found nothing better than Windows Defender. For blocking it I've gone with FF myself, I do prefare IE, but I was f...

17 years ago
RE: New Paths: Another Take NEVER TOO LATE TO JOIN IN!!!

(OOC: I'm a tad hesitant to update Ianthe too much without updating Wraith too. Just to check btw, the transport that crushed it the...

17 years ago
RE: Mobian Legacies: Robotic Fist

The Flying Fox got to work, tipping the liquid onto the cloth and dabbing it on the boy's wounds as he looked at him with a reassuring smile, try...

17 years ago
RE: Mobian Legacies: Robotic Fist

The shock of the strange kid's appearence had momentarily stunned Vision into immobillity, incertain of how to react as he saw the boy look up at...

17 years ago
RE: Transformers Movie: Starscream's Revenge

"I got a better idea." Fusion retorted as he leaned back, his right arm flung out behind him. "How about I kick your titanium backside,...

17 years ago
RE: New Paths: Another Take NEVER TOO LATE TO JOIN IN!!!

Ianthe was staring at the guard thoughtfully. He had answered all their questions quickly and precisely, seemingly helpfully, but something about his ...

17 years ago
RE: The Hammer of Hedgehog X: a Decade's Reminder

"I'm glad we have an understanding." Serash hissed as the bars caging him in swung back and he slowly stepped out of the cell, the shar...

17 years ago
RE: Death. [what do you think happens after it?]

That's pretty much spot on Vec. All I would perhaps add is that there are those who are living now before God steps in who are not part of the 14...

17 years ago
RE: The Hammer of Hedgehog X: a Decade's Reminder

"The terretory you deserve?" A dry laugh echoed around the cell, mirroring X's chuckle, although with a considerably darker tone. "...

17 years ago
RE: New Paths: Another Take NEVER TOO LATE TO JOIN IN!!!

(OOC: Yeah that's with him being a Knothole guard I kinda expected him to be more sympathetic to his possible allies, but it's al...

17 years ago
RE: Mobian Legacies: Robotic Fist

(OOC: Ah ok, just checking^^) Vision stepped back slightly, realising he'd touched a sensitive nerve. "I'm sorry..." Before he...

17 years ago
RE: Slave of the Teknians Berserk legion (Sonic escape survival)

Solstice lept to the side as the Teknians began firing, spinning in the air as she kicked off the wall and launched towards the leading troops at spee...

17 years ago
RE: Mobian Legacies: Robotic Fist

(OOC: Just out of curiosity by the way Al, how old is Brisemont supposed to be? You remember that Kcal's first post set events here seven hundred...

17 years ago
RE: The Hammer of Hedgehog X: a Decade's Reminder

"You may know my name when I know you are worthy enough to hear it." came the responce in a callous tone as the creature in the cell shifted...

17 years ago
RE: New Paths: Another Take NEVER TOO LATE TO JOIN IN!!!

...but there was little chance of that. No sooner had he begun to crawl away than Wraith was at his side, grabbing him by the back of the collar to re...

17 years ago
RE: The Hammer of Hedgehog X: a Decade's Reminder

(OOC: Dark world...dark, twisted world...calls for a dark character ) They laughed...a raucious, cackling chuckle, echoing around the dark confi...

17 years ago
RE: New Paths: Another Take NEVER TOO LATE TO JOIN IN!!!

(OOC: I'll give it another go, yeah. Can't guarentee how well I'll be able to pick up again after such a long pause, so if my posts are...

17 years ago
RE: Yuku: the best and worst features

Yuku resembles social networking sites like Myspace or Facebook, with a forum attached to them... ...and this is NOT a good thing. EDIT: Okay,...

17 years ago
RE: Transformers Movie: Starscream's Revenge

"Oh that was just mean!" Fusion exclaimed as he stood up again, performing a neat backflip from the ground to land on his feet. "Looks ...

17 years ago
RE: Also on morality issues (or at least bumpers on cars)

You're right, the materials were tougher back then, but I was primarilly meaning build quality... *shrugs*

17 years ago
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