Mobius Forum Archive

Eminent Member
Joined: Jun 28, 2006
Topics: 0 / Replies: 45
RE: Rockman DS

Maybe it is 100 years after Megaman Battle Network. Like the differnce between Megaman and X and Zero. It looks interesting.

18 years ago
RE: Why Knuckles isn't guarding the Master Emerald.

I think Knuckles does good stuff. If someone out side of Angel Island needs help Knuckles isn't just going to leave them. "Too bad, Tails. I ...

18 years ago
RE: Sonic X #11 (Spoilin' like global warmin'!)

Quote:Hey, if Eggman had the Master Emerald, then how come Angel Island was still afloat in issue 10? I noticed that too. I guess it is like the fly...

19 years ago
RE: Philosophical outlook on racism, etc...

I think political correctness does more harm than good. most of it is just stupid, especially the stuff about religion.

19 years ago
RE: Faith... keeping religon alive

I don't think the Bible does contradict its self, except for quotes, but when the Bible was written exact quotes weren't used much. But with creation...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic's true love interest revealed!

Ok, everyone, I have paired off everygirl (I would pair them all off but I don't like homo Sonic stuff) SonicxAmy cause Blaze doesn't like, like Sonic...

19 years ago
RE: Faith... keeping religon alive

Quote:i also can't stand it when christians deny that there could be other gods from different cultures and think that it's wrong that there are other...

19 years ago
RE: Moon

I can prove it wasn't a hoax. The first Nasa moon equipment was made for miles and miles of dust that was supposed to have gathered on the moon in mi...

19 years ago
RE: Philosophical outlook on racism, etc...

I don't care what race someone is, if they look like trouble I will stay away from them. Some people are like, "OMG you just stayed away from th...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic Is Not Speed

I liked Shadow, but I have never cared any about the speed of the Sonic games. I just liked playing them. I never thought Sonic was very fast in the...

19 years ago
RE: Shark Leaping?

I don't care about the speed of the Sonic games. I only like the gameplay. That's probably why I like games like Heroes and Shadow, for me it isn't ...

19 years ago
RE: Sonic's true love interest revealed!

Sonic x Shadow They hate each other, Shadow tried to kill Sonic in his game. And I am certain SHadow isn't gay. Sonic maybe, ...maybe not.

19 years ago
RE: Shark Leaping?

Maybe Sonic is slowly in the process of Jumping Shark. I don't think that is a bad thing, just that it is going in a completely new direction that th...

19 years ago
RE: Guns: Should they be Allowed?

I am going to get a gun. I'm going to carry it around. Why? Because the criminals are going to get guns no matter what. Does anyone honestly belie...

19 years ago
RE: Ask Joe about Sonic X (ongoing series).

would it be possible for someone to get a job working on the Sonic X comics, someone smart, imaginative, the biggest Sonic fan ever?

19 years ago
RE: Faith... keeping religon alive

Quote:Not if you do it the right way We could go into afterlife, but I'm getting tired of this topic.

19 years ago
RE: Shark Leaping?

I didn't know that, but what I meant was, I thought jumping shark was when there is no hope for a series to get better. There are hundreds, or thousa...

19 years ago
RE: the forgotton ones

Just post the explanation here. Why is it so important we have to email you.

19 years ago
RE: Faith... keeping religon alive

Quote:If its not illegal, then its your opinion if its a mistake or not. If you decide it is ok to kill yourself will it still hurt? If you murder yo...

19 years ago
RE: Intolerance (The TV made me beat a dead horse! :o)

I wouldn't say they are better suited for different Jobs, but they function differently, there are some people who say a women wouldn't make a good pr...

19 years ago
RE: the forgotton ones

I thought Charmy and Tails sounded like a regular cartoon Boy Fox/bee would sound. I think they are just jealous of charmy's good looks (look at how ...

19 years ago
RE: Shark Leaping?

I like the new games, and the old games. But anyways there are still a million fans who hate Shadow and Hereos but they still remain fans, Why is bey...

19 years ago
RE: the forgotton ones

Why don't you just tell us your theory. i guess it could be possible Dynamite Ducks happened on Sonic's planet. And Bean is related to Bin.

19 years ago
RE: the forgotton ones

Quote: keep saying im atleast cut me some slack! my computer keep acting all jacked up whean i space! GOD! ...everyone REALLY HATES my guts n...

19 years ago
RE: Faith... keeping religon alive

Well, if you unknowingly make a mistake, you will still sufure the consquinces whether it is Illegal or not

19 years ago
RE: Intolerance (The TV made me beat a dead horse! :o)

I mean like how little boys love to pretend to fight, no matter what. Even if you give them Barbies they will still fight with them, making them viol...

19 years ago
RE: Shark Leaping?

They weren't that bad. Sonic Rush, Sonic Advance series, Sonic Battle, were very well done. Sonic Heroes and Shadow were ok, and sold well. Riders ...

19 years ago
RE: the forgotton ones

Bokkun is nothing like Bean. If the rights to mighty are truely gone, then why does Archie still use him? I think Mighty is just a Sonic clone anywa...

19 years ago
RE: Intolerance (The TV made me beat a dead horse! :o)

I'm talking about hormons creating differences in Brain functions. Guys and girls have different brains (They act differently naturally, you can go t...

19 years ago
RE: Intolerance (The TV made me beat a dead horse! :o)

(I don't know how to quote Can someone tell me how?) "Yeah, and that's why women aren't allowed to vote, or hold jobs, or-- OH WAIT, yes they can...

19 years ago
RE: Faith... keeping religon alive

It made sense to me, and I know some stuff about science, about as much as the next person.

19 years ago
RE: Shark Leaping?

I've been a fan since Sonic Adventure 2 battle, and I like pretty much everything Sonic related. At first I didn't like Heroes that much, but I didn't...

19 years ago
RE: Shark Leaping?

I think it is still making good games, so I don't think it has peaked yet. it will probably peak around the Wii.

19 years ago
RE: Faith... keeping religon alive

actually I don't know much about it, but I will try to explain better. The sun is constantly shrinking, because it is burning up. Well, millions and ...

19 years ago
RE: Intolerance (The TV made me beat a dead horse! :o)

Well, I believe when Marriage was created, it was only intended for one man and one woman. If you have something else it wouldn't be a marrage. Sort...

19 years ago
RE: Intolerance (The TV made me beat a dead horse! :o)

But the difference is Black people have a right to vote. Gay people have no right to marry someone of the same gender. Marriage is a man and Woman, ...

19 years ago
RE: Faith... keeping religon alive

ok, its more like against evolution, but I am against religious debates over internet forums, so I don't think it is apropriate for me to post them, (...

19 years ago
RE: Faith... keeping religon alive

there is scientific evidence for Creation, but that is rarely known, but the problem with this debate thread is that some people are assuming religion...

19 years ago
RE: Intolerance (The TV made me beat a dead horse! :o)

I think this topic is mostly pointless , but I will post anyways. I think that gay shouldn't be encouraged, as people should have kids, and reproduc...

19 years ago
RE: Omochao

Omochoa is supposed to be a Japanese play on the word toy, so I guess he is a toy.

19 years ago
RE: Ask Joe about Sonic X (ongoing series).

I like seeing Amy fly. She could atleast have a little jet pack.

19 years ago
RE: Sonic X #10 Talkback- Nostalgia Galore (el spoilers)

Amy can spindash in Sonic Advance 3, so why not Sonic X? Does this issue count as a Sonic 1 adaption? I can't wait till the next issue.

19 years ago
RE: Shark Leaping?

I don't think it has, and I don't think it ever will. Sonic Heroes, wasn't the best game, but it was playable, although the special stages stunk, but...

19 years ago
RE: Omochao

Omochao is kind cute, but still anoying. I usually just ignore him. Atleast in Sonic Riders you can shut him up. I thought Mistic Orb was more anoy...

19 years ago
RE: Ask Joe about Sonic X (ongoing series).

I like the Sonic X comics, they are very fun to read. Is Amy going to fly anymore. I don't think amy can fly cause, I remember one episode of Sonic ...

19 years ago