Queueing. We're known for it.
Quote:I think Xbox 360 will take out nintendo by its self. Why? It's not even aiming for the same target audience
Quote:Ummm... Gunstar Super/Future Heroes arrives in Europe this November. Like, THIS month. In fact, Wikipedia lists this Friday, although Wikipedia ...
Quote:Europe only got We Katamari, actually. Actually, we're still waiting for it. (Mutter) However, Craig has in fact been knwon to say that the on...
Quote:I'd willingly pay for (*cough-pirate-cough*) the soundtracks to a number of EA-published titles, like the SimCity series, Black & White, Bat...
Quote:Aww. You'll be missing out. By the way, today is the day it opens, with Jarhead and a few other movies. So...go see it. Not in the UK, sad...
Quote:...too many lawsuits. Actually, I'd say a lawsuit's reasonably justified in this case... ... just not in many.
Quote:And we have music that promotes Satan WORSHIPING, and other such things. Matter of scale. Racism is a widespread problem, leading to fairly fre...
Welcome back, Vortex, and congratulations on sheer style... (Grins)
Nice. You've caprtured the character pretty well...
Quote:Hmm... the official head of the (now defunct) Newbie "Welcomers" not providing a customary "Welcome" to a newbie... Is this...
www.kitmyth.net/gallery/d...m=17&pos=1 I'm the guy on the left. This is not a photo I'm happy with...
Now, when the pc version of Call of Cthulhu comes out, or the PS2 RE4, or Shadow of the Colossus (in the uk) or Katamari Damacy 2, or Kingdom Hearts 2...
Quote:None of the above appeal to me. I stick by the fact that in my 3 years of owning a PS2, I've only had 4 games which appealed to me, MGS2/3, Spid...
To be quite frank, I found Morrowind didn't live up to its reputation. The ten square miles are impressive, but it's terribly empty, combat is basical...
I looked at the systems specs for lost coast, then looked at my computer. When I've scraped together the money to upgrade to a Geforce 6 and 1Gb Ram, ...
Use me if you wish. Been here 3 and a half years, racked up this post count... people still don't always know who I am...
Quote:There has not been a supply problem, only scared consumers willing to pay more for the price of gas. But give it a century or so...
(Looks at Gale) ..... it moved....... But yeah, this is.... idiotic. Thankfully, the National Front in the Uk do not have associated pop bands. Or I...
Hello, new person. I also joined Craig and co, but didn't show up till later, so you'll have missed me.
I remember evil maggot Dub, actually...
Quote:Actually, Chicken Little wasn't done by Pixar; it was done by Disney's own 3-D animation studio? Remember; Pixar's now on its own. To be honest...
The first preview wins a small prize. (Cheers up immensely)
Am currently playing: Doom 3 Max Payne 2 Darwinia Gradius 5 Soul Calibur 2 Star Ocean 3 All of which I bought in the last month, mainly to give mysel...
Quote:Thats true too. It did outdo the PSP Not in the UK. And as for Shadow Hog's question: a) it's the only emopticon I like and b) habit.
As far as I'm concerned, I've just had the month of financial torment. Not much coming to the UK games-wise until February (Kingdom Hearts 2, Shadow o...
Quote:The biggest cahs cow by far is Star Trek. They aren't even trying to have a cohesive plot anymore, they just throw together some fancy space tal...
Quote:Nintendo? Backwards compatibility? If only. Gameboy Advance? I stand corrected. Come to that, doesn't the DS have it as well?
(Shrugs) X-Box 360: hasn't annnouned anything interesting that isn't also coming to PC, as Cyc said. Upgrading my PC would therefore be a better inves...
Quote:If Revo has Gamecube compatability, Nintendo? Backwards compatibility? If only. BTW, as a non-Nintendo fanboy who has never purchased a single ...
Last I looked, the games section was a little out of date. Mind you, that was some months ago.
I'm inclined to agree with Craig, about preferring 2, actually. This doesn't mean I have any faith in the prospect of more sequals. I find it hard to ...
Hurricane Omega will amuse me if they ever get that far. Being a Doctor Who fan and all.
Happy birthday, young'un.
Welcome back. Due to my generally sad outlook on life, I do in fact remember you. I remember everyone. (Yes, that includes you over there, hiding behi...
Happy Birthday, Cooks. Grief, I remember when you was 19.
Good gods, I actually remember you. Or your username, anyway. Welcome back...
It's probably a legal requirement all injections be sterilised, lethal or not....
Quote:Which will probably be Inferno. Again? Personally, I just want the guy to be playable.
For that matter, anyone else seen the VG cats correspondence PA linked to? Heh.
Quote:but video doesn't lie. It does, surely? Anwyas, the person who said that that's actually an ineffective way to harvest fur makes a valid point...
And whatever anyone says, the subsequent biscuit shortage and resulting economic collapse was a complete coincidence from which I did not profit in an...
I was never quite taken with Napoleon Dynamite, either. I just thought the film's sense of humour was a bit hit-and-miss... and for me, it mostly miss...
Quote:The EU is an economic coalition and trade alliance -- basically NAFTA on steroids. The UN, on the other hand, is a democratic, multilateral coun...
I get used to playing games with a keyboard, myself. Perfectly satisfactory unless you try it with 3D platformers...
Hate to highlight it, but.... "Jack Thompson will give $10,000 to charity" Not to the game makers. Quote:I've been on 60 Minutes and in Rea...
Quote:Okay, Name some other mature games that EVERYBODY OWNS not just fanboys. Mature games that everyone owns? Ha, ha, ha... Waitwait, you didn't mea...
Once again, I regret the lack of resemblance betwen the UN and the EU. The latter's a bit fussier abouit letting in dictatorships, for one.
Sugar? Shmugar. I have a problem with salt instead.
Happy birthday, young'un. Heh.