I have some DVDs that work only on computers and not in DVD players... but I supect it's due to encoding, or similar. They're not visibly damaged... a...
Quote:Because if the gabby best friend is the one who told you that, it's possible that she's either lying or she's saying it deliberately to disrupt ...
Hmmm... I suspect, if I had an MP3 player, I'd mainly just end up using it as a memory stick. So instead I'm getting one of those.
Quote:This is good... Nobody else heard this crap... yet... Stupid rumor. Making me panic over nothing... Well, the reason rumours work is because pe...
I still think the first game was as good as it got...
I, too listen to the kind of music under discussion... but from what I've heard, the boost in popularity was inspired by The Darkness (a band I've nev...
To be honest, I grew up without a televison, and think it did me more good than anything else...
So... how many people will rewatch The Mummy to try and spot it, I wonder... (Incidentally, has held the original lightsaver prop from the film)
(Seeing debate on FF main chars, resists temptation to attack cloud again) Can we really say Tidue gets a hard time from fans compared to Squall? Real...
I have a livejournal, but I really use deadjournal more. I'm "xagarath" on both sites
Newbie, hmm.... Greetings. I'm the head of the official forum newbie "welcomers", though I've been on something of a hiatus recently. Allow ...
Quote:Life of Pi by Yann Martel Been meaning to read that one. Anyway, I have many, many books. I'm currently reading Jonathon Strange & Mr Norre...
Due to various things, I come to this topic a little late Nonetheless... My favourite films(in no particular order): Spirited Away (+ all other Miyaza...
Sonic 3, Knuckles and 3D for the Genesis aren't very common at all in the UK, actually...
I found Modeler better than Mame, personally. Mame I've never liked...
And just where, pray, is Devil May Cry 3? Or Freedom Force Verus the Third Reich? Or Darwinia? Psychonauts? (Mutter)
I find Spybot: Search and Destroy more effective than Adaware. Have a look for it...
Heh. I picture this guy sitting in some dingy room, laughing at all the people who take what he said seriously...
(Blinks) Welcome back again. I really need to visit Wales one of these days... haven't been there for nearly 18 years...
Quote:Though I must say, we saved quite a few new people while you were gone. ^^ But those innocent times are over, and the darkness comes again...
Nice to see you too.
I can tell people now that it's a game not really controllable with a keyboard... So, having it missing from Sonic Gems won't be completely incomprehe...
Whereas I ask for Rinoa to appear, as I still maintain Squall seems a little lost without her...
Greetings. I'm the head of the official forum newbie "welcomers", returned after a long hiatus. Alow me to introduce you to the forum... (Th...
(Reads vortex's post) If only... Personally, I think she should die for outselling Pratchett . More seriously, I do read the books. Although I dislik...
Ah, fresh newbie. Appropriate to mark the return... ... of the HEAD OF THE FORUM NEWBIE "WELCOMERS"! (Places the newbie in a jar, runs ten s...
Heh... Looks like we picked roughly the same time to return.
Sounds like.... Sonic PSP, possibly? I know they're doing one.
(Blink) I don't fit in despite living here all my life, so I doubt my dress ense would be much help to you. Most people here seem to wear jeans and sp...
Surely the most evil company would be Nestle, by quite a long way?
Oh, I remember you. Welcome Back.
(Blinks) Congratulations, Cooki. And welcome back at long last, Sarah. Nice to see you around here again And take it from me, using only library ac...
(Blinks) Little late, aren't I. Anyway, welcome back.
Quote:So he's formed his own party on war and human rights. Given Blair's perceived stupidity over the war and the whole circumstances, it's comparati...
Personally, I'm not letting myself be biased or affected by campign literature or propaganda. I'm voting Liberal Democrat for several reasons: -They s...
Hmmm... Poor toads... Entertaining idea, though.
Personally, I say Angel's been sort of unaccounted for. Really.
Quote:Superb dubs aswell Outlaw Star, yes... but I really can't agree with you about Slayers. Seemed like a sub-average dub to me. I really need to c...
Excellent. Given that series 3 seemed to be getting a little weak towards the end, I'm glad to hear they haven't run out of ideas yet...
Give me a couple of years to study international copyright law and I'll let you know who's right. However, judging from what little I know of British ...
Quote:What catches my eye more in that interview is the fact that Shadow isn't the only Sonic release and that they are interested in 2d platforming, ...
What about Sonic Schoolhouse? Quote:The PC version is the same as the Saturn version, except that it has different (VASTLY inferior) Special Stages. ...
To be quite frank, I'm actually happy about this development. (Waits for gasps of amazement) Why? I'll admit that I've neevr really liked Shadow as a ...
To be quite frank, I'm actually happy about this development. (Waits for gasps of amazement) Why? I'll admit that I've neevr really liked Shadow as a ...
Quote:Once that kid started headbutting others, that's assault. Age doesn't matter. In the UK, under-10s can't be criminally liable. I assume there's ...
Metal. Better visual design, at least for me, and a lot less of the annoying angst. I never really took to Shadow. It seemed like Sonci Team had tried...
Hmmm.... First Time: I believe it was... 1st March 2002 when I first dropped by South Island, having been randomly googling for Sonic sites. I liked t...