KP just spoke on his messageboard about the latest concerning his website, LO, the upcoming Sonic storyline, and other stuff. here’s his message reprinted below:
If you see the words YOU ARE HERE! above the photo of me on the home page, your browser is accessing the site on our new server. If not, you’re receiving the transmission from the old server while able to still access this message board on the new server. It may all sound confusing, but trust me, Bob’s got it all worked out as far as the tech stuff goes. Needless to say, until the transition is totally complete, the site updates have been delayed until then.
However, in the interest of giving you some idea of what’s in store, besides a sneak preview of pages from THE CHOSEN ONE storyline, I’ll touch base on a number of topics.
For a long time, I’ve been looking to make this site more interactive, and this year looks like I’ll finally achieve that. One of the concepts I’ve been exploring is conducting an online course of drawing as well as a course on creating a comic book from initial concept to finished publication. Because of the time and resources involved with doing this right, the size of the classes will be limited and there will be a cost. I hope to have all the details finalized within the next couple of months and begin conducting the first classes come September.
Another thing I’m looking to initiate is more original online comics, new material that hasn’t been seen before. To that end, pages from THE LOST ONES graphic novel will begin showing up before long, as well as the first installment of CAPTAIN HAZZARD.
There’s a lot of new art to be uploaded, including a sneak preview of pages from the upcoming THE CHOSEN ONE storyline that begins in SONIC #95. I guarantee a major shocker where this one is concerned.
Also, check back later this week for confirmation of when my next online chat will occur, as I’ll discuss these and many other subjects as well.
Finally, in regards to the Knuckles story in Sonic #93, I’d like to say a few words.
Some people have criticized my use of photos with the artwork. To that I say… this is how you learn. I’ve been wanting to experiment with the concept for some time. The problem was that I didn’t end up having the control over the finished look like I was originally supposed to have. I was supposed to color the story on Photoshop, which would allow me to do the color seps at the same time. Due to contractual obligations with a third party, the editors at Archie informed me that they would be doing the work. Thus, I found myself essentially creating a road map for them to interpret what I wanted. To say the results were unsatisfying would be an understatement of epic proportions. Would it stop me from doing this again? Not if I was given the control I was originally supposed to have. But that’s for another time.
Another final thing… yeah, I know…. 🙂 …
I’m going to be closing down my AOL account within the next 30 to 60 days, so from now on, until I get all the e-mail links on this site changed, if anyone wants to send a message or ask a question, please e-mail me at the following address:
Thank you.
And THAT is THAT. ^__^
Source: Ken Penders’ Message Board