Articles By Sonic_Hedgehogs


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  • PSO Easter Special

    Awesome PSO Easter special that maybe will be hitting the US like the previous holiday specials,the town will be dressed up with easter decorations and music,they also had maintainence on today for a new downloadable quest,but it'll only be for Japanese users of PSO.

    Sonic Adventure 2 news

    New news on SA2,in Japan it'll be release June 23rd,the day Sonic turns 10!But It still has a June 21st release date for us Americans.Shadow might be a playable making the 5 playable characters answered!

    From Sonic The Hedgehog News

    Sonic R II Production

    More News On Sonic R II,it already has a script for the opening scene,Sonic presents the log with news updated weekly.

    Shayne Thames

    Jason Mitchell

    Andrew Koivisto

    The Star Dreams Team

    Are The Members Making SRII,are they going to work with Sega?Do they have concent to work on it with Sega's rights?More news soon as posible.


    Sonic The Hedgehog News

    Sonic R 2 Production

    Sonic R II has just been confirmed and prodection logs.Sonic R 2 is in production and started March 19th as they have a drawing board and story for opening video.More to come on news about this when there is!

    From Sonic The Hedgehog News!

    Sega Sues K-Mart

    Sega is going to sue K-Mart $2.2 million dollar's because they did not pay that much from Dreamcast System's sold.Read the bottom from for full story. From the great site Sonic The Hedgehog News

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