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  • Additional SA2 Info

    IGNDC has a new report out on Sonic Adventure 2:

    And for the good boys and girls, we have new details on what could end up being the best Dreamcast game yet, Sonic Adventure 2.

    In Sonic 1, it was Sonic versus Robotnick.

    In Sonic 2, it was Sonic versus Mecha Sonic.

    In Sonic 3, it was Sonic versus Knuckles.

    And now, in Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Team has decided to go way crazy with the rivalry thing. It seems that everyone will have a rival in this game. Sonic has a rival in Shadow, a new character. Knuckles has a rival in Rouge, also a new character. And, according to Japanese Dreamcast website Dreamcast Station, Tails will find his rival in Robotnik. This could be first "unofficial" confirmation that Tails will actually be playable in the game, although we ain't sayin' nothin' for sure.

    The game's story will focus on what's called the Hero Side versus the Dark Side, apparently emphasizing these rivalries. Even the Chao characters can have Hero/Dark attributes. The story will come in two forms, and what we've read makes us believe that one storyline will have you play as the good guys (Sonic, Knuckles and Tails) and the other storyline will have you play as their rivals (Robotnik, Shadow and Rouge). This later part is conjecture on our part based off what we've read though, so don't be surprised if the final product is different.

    Depending on the character you play as, the game will take on one of three different forms. For Sonic (and possibly Shadow), the game will be best described as a 3D Action title. For Knuckles (and possibly Rouge), the game will be best described as a Rare game - err, I mean - a Treasure Hunting title. For Tails and Robotnik, the game will be best described as an Action Shooter.

    Included somewhere in these various game genres is a two player mode. Split screen? Online? Or is Sonic Team approaching the two player mode messy like they did with Sonic 2? We expect to find out soon.

    Source: IGNDC

    Sonic Adventure 2 news

    New news on SA2,in Japan it'll be release June 23rd,the day Sonic turns 10!But It still has a June 21st release date for us Americans.Shadow might be a playable making the 5 playable characters answered!

    From Sonic The Hedgehog News

    OTher-M #9 is released

    Just in time for a slightly stale news board comes the release of Other-M #9, the latest installement in one of the fandom's strongest fan comics. Be sure to check it out!


    Metal Sonic In SA2?

    New SA2 screens have been released today, and well, WOW.

    Watch out for that laser!

    Is that Metal Sonic's rocket booster?

    This looks like some kind of volcano stage, but what's really interesting is that blue figure that looks suspiciously like Metal Sonic! @.@ In fact, this LOOKS LIKE it might even be another race stage between Sonic and Metal Sonic, a la Sonic CD! We'll keep you posted as more screens show up.

    Note: It's A Joke. ;)

    Microsoft and Sega Confirmation

    The X-box is going to supported by Sega:

    The daily grind was rudely interrupted earlier this week by a rumor that sent shock waves through the Xbox community, and now Microsoft and Sega have confirmed that the two are conspiring to bring the upcoming console a host of quality titles in the next 12 months. Sega, a new player on the 3rd party publishing scene, has confirmed that they will be bringing no fewer than 11 titles to the Xbox.

    You can read the rest of the article here.

    Sonic R II Production

    More News On Sonic R II,it already has a script for the opening scene,Sonic presents the log with news updated weekly.

    Shayne Thames

    Jason Mitchell

    Andrew Koivisto

    The Star Dreams Team

    Are The Members Making SRII,are they going to work with Sega?Do they have concent to work on it with Sega's rights?More news soon as posible.


    Sonic The Hedgehog News

    Microsoft and Sega Team Up?!?!?

    This is of if you want to see!(and my first post)

    Sega and Microsoft To Team Up?

    You say the Xbox has no good games? It seems an old friend might have something to say about that.

    March 26, 2001

    If the startling silence of GDC is any indication, Microsoft has more than a few major announcements up their sleeve, and while most are anticipating more launch details and information on Team Xbox's Network Strategy, the unveiling of multiple 3rd party developers will undoubtedly take center stage among enthusiast gamers. To that end, IGN Xbox has learned that one of the primary partners for Microsoft's new console will be none other than the newly platform-agnostic crew at Sega. While details are scarce at best, rumor has it that this newly-made 3rd party giant is about to strut its stuff in a big way, revealing a horde of titles that will be joining the Xbox software line-up.

    While no specifics are available at present, rumors about the company's sports franchises making the leap to multiple platforms have already hit the web, and IGN Xbox has also heard that the Bill Gates Keynote will include some surprises. What surprises? Well, while no specifics were given, apparently the list will include several obvious franchises, as well as the return of an old favorite. Hmmmm.

    When asked for comment on a pending announcement, Sega's Vice president of Corporate and Marketing Communications Charles Bellfield stated, "Sega continues negotiating with all platform companies as we announced on January 31st. We look forward to making announcements shortly, but at this point, Sega has no further information."

    Microsoft's Xbox Director of Advanced Technology Seamus Blackley hinted of big things to come at Tokyo Game Show 2001Spring during his speech at this year's Game Developer's Conference, and if what we hear is true, this could be one of the biggest. Unfortunately, we were unable to unearth any specifics as to the exact titles that will be revealed, but an announcement is expected to kick off the show Friday morning in Tokyo, so be sure to check back with IGN Xbox late Thursday evening for full details.

    The webmaster for the Samurai Pizza Cats website “Princess Vi’s ‘Spiffy-Diffy’ SPC Page” gives Sonic some support

    I had sent an E-mail to this Samurai Pizza Cats website where I asked the question Who do you think is the cooler videogame mascot between Nintendo's Mario and Sega's Sonic the Hedgehog?" and her answer was Sonic the Hedgehog. I don't know if this could lead to cross-fandom support, but I'd say it would be a great idea of SPC fans and StH fans coming together for a massive fan crossover event, even if it lasted just a little while.

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