Sonic R II has just been confirmed and prodection logs.Sonic R 2 is in production and started March 19th as they have a drawing board and story for opening video.More to come on news about this when there is!
From Sonic The Hedgehog News!
Sonic R II has just been confirmed and prodection logs.Sonic R 2 is in production and started March 19th as they have a drawing board and story for opening video.More to come on news about this when there is!
From Sonic The Hedgehog News!
Basically it's the same as the previous Sonic #98 spoilers, but some other information is given.
Written by Karl Bollers and Ken Penders, art by James Fry, Ron Lim and Penders.
"Blow By Blow" After returning to Knothole, Geoffrey informs Elias that Robotnik still has robotization on his mind. Sally disguises herself as a servant and manages to sneak out of Castle Acorn in order to go see Sonic, but Sonic has his hands full trying to stay incognito while he continues his quest for Arachnis and the Sword - not to mention Mina, Sally's latest rival for Sonic's affections. The intrigue never ends where Kodos, Doctor Quack, Tails, Nate, Elias and Knuckles all play a part. Plus, another Knuckles back-up story, this time guest-starring Sonic's buddy Tails.
32 pages, $1.99, arrives in stores on June 29.
Source: Comics Continuum
Note: The information on the back-up is wrong since "Chosen One" arc ends in Sonic #97 and the back-up in Sonic #99 is going to be a story called "What Goes Around Comes Around!" which will mark the return of Julie-Su and the Dark Legion.
This just in!
TOKYO, March 16 (Reuters) - Sega Corp said that its outspoken president Isao Okawa, who recently grabbed media headlines for his 85 billion yen ($695.7 million) private donation to the struggling gamemaker, died of heart failure on Friday. He was 74 years old.
When Sega made the tough decision of ending its flagship Dreamcast game console in January, Okawa took the unprecedented step of making the donation to ease its pain.
Okawa returned his entire stakes in Sega and other group firms -- CSK Corp , Ascii Corp , and NextCom KK -- to offset some of Sega's financial burden from its January 31 decision to pull the plug on its loss-making game machine by end-March.
The gift, also involving shares in unlisted firms and convertible bonds, helped calm nervous investors about the outlook for the world's third biggest gamemaker as it faced 80 billion yen in special losses from ending Dreamcast, leading to a record 58.3 billion yen net loss in the year to March.
Okawa also was founder and honorary chairman of information services company CSK and had been active in helping Sega and software publisher Ascii expand their networking businesses. is terrible.
Sonic Team have unveiled their expansion disc for the hit (and rather excellent) game Phantasy Star Online, entitled PSO Version 2. The new version includes new enemies, characters, mags, and levels, as well as an additional difficulty setting ('Ultimate') and a versus mode where you'll compete against each other. Head over to Gaming Age to see the screens and full info.
Please don't post opinions, news rebuttals/corrections, or rumors here. We have a board SPECIFICALLY for those things, called Station Square. If the rumor looks interesting and not TOO wild, we'll post it.
I'm back here to confirm what Disney's Adventures has revealed. Nights is in Sonic Shuffle. He flies around in the board, but Lumina still narrates. Oh well, it's a start
In Sonic Shuffle, you can change Lumina into NiGHTS. I found this out from the Technomania section of "Disney Adventures" (April 2001 issue):
"Fool your friends by changing the character of Lumina the fairy into the Nights charatcer (star of the classic Nights game). To do it, go to your Dreamcast's Settings menu and change the date to Christmas Eve, 12/24/00. Then head back to the game and you'll have a whole new character. That's a Christmas present you can use year-round!"
Source: Disney Adventures Magazine
The Sonic amature games expo is once again open for a 5 day period! For those who arn't in the know, SAGE is a yearly event where the top Sonic fan game creators go to show off their upcoming releases to the outside world. This year, there are about 20 booths showing off brand new demos of games such as SRB2, Thirdscape, TFH, Metal Sonics quest 2, Sonic Forever and many more. Fancy checking it out?
I been absent form the net the last 10 days so I dunno if this is old news or not:
Electronics Boutique is now taking preorders for Sonic Adventure 2 at the price of 49.99, and is set to be released MAY 3RD.
On a side note to the below comments about StHA: Nintindo's website just hasn't put up info on the game yet, but it is NOT a Japan only/not to be released title. As far as I am aware, StHA is set for release when GBA comes to the states.