This isn't game or Sonic related, but I have to say this. This area is for news and ONLY news. If you have a comment, please take it to the forums. Don't do it here, that's not what this is for.
This isn't game or Sonic related, but I have to say this. This area is for news and ONLY news. If you have a comment, please take it to the forums. Don't do it here, that's not what this is for.
Reading through the latest Nintendo Power I stubled across an article about Sega developing for GBA (GameBoy Advance) and GCN (GameCube). Finding this rather surprising, I read through the whole article which was mostly about the GBA games Sega is developing. The titles anounced were ChuChu Rocket GBA ( or ChuChu Rocket Advance), Puyo Puyo, and Sonic Advance. No GCN titles were anounced.
I attended the chat and basically kept a log. Here is all the major stuff said and a whole lot of bombshells were given.
Note: Whatever is in [] are my notes to help understand the discussion.
KenPenders: Regarding SONIC #94, Dan [Drazen], it's lucky that story came through even that well, considering everything that was going on behind the scenes.
KenPenders: Regarding the Chaos Syphon, what happened there was my fault and that of plain ol' circumstances. I wanted to update the design of the Chaos Syphon, and I was supposed to draw #94
KenPenders: instead of just inking it. When matters changed and Ron [Lim] stepped in to do the drawing, it got lost in the shuffle.
KenPenders: Well, the write-ups in Diamond Previews aren't anywhere near able to keep up with everything that's happening these days.
KenPenders: First off, SONIC ADVENTURE 2 will be featured throughout the entirety of SONIC #98, interrupting the Sonic storyline in progress and forcing me to switch gears with Knuckles
KenPenders: As a result, the Ultimate Villain may or may not (most likely not) show up in SONIC #100
KenPenders: The Chosen One storyline runs in SONIC #95 through 97. It's not a 4-parter, as some have speculated.
KenPenders: SONIC ADVENTURE 2 couldn't wait because the book comes out a week after the actual game comes out, so it's tied in with that.
KenPenders: James Fry is off the book as of SONIC #97. 96 was his last issue, as I understand it.
KenPenders: SA2 is only in SONIC #98. We tried to get it featured as a Super Special, but Archie is no longer publishing those, not even the giant size issues with their own characters
KenPenders: due to major problems with the magazine distribution acros the country. It's not just comics that are affected, but major national publications as well
KenPenders: Ron Lim is taking his place and we'll see how that goes, since he had to change his style in order to get the assignment. (He's taking lessons from Spaz. :-)
KenPenders: Spaz will be drawing the Sonic story in SONIC #98
KenPenders: The Chosen One was affected by the cancellation of the KNUCKLES series. We're talking about whittling a 66-page story down to 24. That's major cutting.
KenPenders: I'm finishing inking the Knuckles story for SONIC #97, then I jump onto inking 8-pages of the Sonic story for #97, as various forces have mandated a change in plans
KenPenders: While I've written the 8-page back-up story for SONIC #98, I may end up inking some of the Spaz pages, then it's business as usual on Knuckles
KenPenders: No, don't blame Sega, as it's a lot more complicated than that [on what is causing the recent problems at Archie]
KenPenders: As for SONIC #100, instead of a combined SONIC - KNUCKLES story as originally planned, each will have their own separate stories.
KenPenders: The Knuckles story will be 8 - 10 pages, and will feature pretty much what I originally planned for KNUCKLES #50 instead.
KenPenders: Julie-Su and the Dark Legion return in SONIC #99 in a story titled "What Goes Around Comes Around!"
KenPenders: We don't like it that there are two stories in SONIC #100 as I'd rather do what we originally planned.
KenPenders: I'm not saying what was originally planned for SONIC #100, as I'm talking with Justin to see if it can be done by SONIC #110, which would mark 100 issues of my involvement with the book.
KenPenders: WB, I can understand your frustrations, but we live in the real world, and you'd have to be in our shoes to see we're not trying to turn out material you're not going to like.
KenPenders: To give everyone an idea of what life on the frontlines is like, I'll use myself as an example. When Archie was publishing SONIC, KNUCKLES, and SONIC SPECIAL, there was more than enough work so that I could concentrate strictly on Sonic and nothing but.
KenPenders: Since the demise of the latter two series, that has resulted in less work, and thus forcing me to look elsewhere to make up the difference as far as pay goes. It also necessitated long dry spells because Archie had a backlog of stories that had to be published.
KenPenders: So when I was working on the KNUCKLES storyline that was featured in SONIC #91 through 94, I was working on Digimon and Pokemon covers for Beckett publications, pencilling an Emperor's New Groove story for Disney
KenPenders: illustrating an online comic for and working on preliminary sketches for a romance comic to be published by a foreign company, to say nothing of reworking THE LOST ONES into a graphic novel.
KenPenders: Sonic #100 will have a cover similar to SSS #13 more than SONIC #50
KenPenders: I don't write the Sonic stories at this time, but I do know what I'd do if I did.
KenPenders: I don't pay much attention to Karl's unless I need to because I don't want him to feel I'm looking over his shoulder all the time.
KenPenders: I figured out a storyline that would allow me to address the Sonic - Sally situation as it has never been shown in the series yet.
KenPenders: I inked the cover for SONIC #98, and it will be done pretty much like SONIC #100.
KenPenders: Any questions about the ongoing Sonic stories are better left to Karl. I'm not going to rain on his parade.
KenPenders: That line [Tails' comment in Sonic #94 about Sonic & Sally] addressed part of the problem, Ron, but I don't think it resolved the feelings on the part of many readers for seeing something to develop beyond what we have.
KenPenders: Sonic is still a very marketable property, and the comic only reinforces that concept.
KenPenders: I've never dealt with the Sonic team. Only Justin has.
KenPenders: No Chaotix for awhile longer. Just not sure yet how long. For one thing, starting with SONIC #101, the Knuckles stories will be six pages long as opposed to eight, the trade-off being that it will now take four issues to complete a story. The reason for this is something special.
KenPenders: Beginning in SONIC #101, two pages every issue will be devoted to feature pages devoted to either the characters, maps of locations, diagrams, whatever the readers want to see of Sonic's world.
KenPenders: Not quite, Dan [Drazen]. The Chaotix will show up on the feature pages.
KenPenders: As for KNUCKLES: 20 Years Later, we'll see some of the developments leading up to that story sometime during SONIC #101 - 110, including the first official unveiling of Knuckles' daughter
KenPenders: The Survivor concept is part of an upcoming story plot, but it won't be a parody
KenPenders: Contrary to popular belief, I am getting ready to upload updates to this website featuring a sneak preview from the Chosen One storyline as well as an advanced look at my Lost Ones graphic novel, to say nothing of other projects in the works.
KenPenders: If I told you the title for the KNUCKLES story in SONIC #100, I'd be giving way too much away. Suffice it to say things won't be the same for awhile as the Dark Legion will assume a major role.
KenPenders: SA2 has not really influenced anything as we don't know enough about it to incorporate any story elements into the series properly yet. We were only given just enough to set things in motion.
KenPenders: Yes, we will see what happened to everyone on the Floating Island, but I'm still rewriting a number of things to make any delcarative statements at this point.
WB: So basically it'll [the SA2 adaptation] probably just be a full issue Sonic Shuffle-like preview then. Thats better than it dragging out for 6 months like last time I suppose...
KenPenders: Pretty much, WB
KenPenders: Wynmacher is not dead, but Lara-Le may have a surprise.
KenPenders: The contests may return now that I'm handling the letters pages, as everyone at Archie would always cringe whenever I suggested the same thing
KenPenders: There's a major surprise concerning Tails that will blow everyone's minds.
KenPenders: Tails is not a villain. That much I will say.
KenPenders: He also doesn't die or anything like that. [on Tails]
KenPenders: I really can't say because I don't want to spoil what Karl has planned.
KenPenders: That's a very distinct possibility, Aurora, one that receives regular discussion all the time. [on Bunnie or Tails meeting parents]
KenPenders: And no, I haven't decided on a color scheme yet. I don't think about such things until absolutely necessary, as I hate to lock myself in until then. [on Lara-Su]
That was the chat.
You heard me right, Sega Smash Pack 2 [Featuring Sonic 2 and Flicky] and Sonic CD have been dumped, and they don't require emulators.
From The DaNz WeBz Message Board: Sega Smash Pack 2 & Sonic CD for you all! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dan has also dumped the Sonic R PC version and you can find it at
Other-M, the internet's most successful Sonic fan-comic to date, has announced that issue #8 will be released on Wed. the 28th.
Okay, maybe most of you already know and even signed that, but here you can sign a petition to Sega about continuing support Dreamcast. There are about 7517 signs so if we all sign it *maybe* we have a chance to convince Sega...
I knew the previews were late for this month but dang....Two In One DOUBLE PREVIEWS !!! Well now THIS is just nuts - Geoffrey St. John, Tails The Fox, Uncle Chuck, A Sonic Adventure 2 Cover, Missing Overlanders, An undercover Sonic The Hedgehog, Sally sneaking away from Knothole to find Sonic whose trying to find Tails, Tails whose busy somewhere off with Knuckles but has some link to Dr. Robotnik (?????), And Mina finally being acknowledged as Sally's rival????
Attention Tails The Fox fans! You're gonna have a lot of fun tryng to decipher THESE previews....
Sonic The Hedgehog #98
"Blow By Blow"
"The Chosen One - Part Four"
Writers: Karl Bollers & Ken Penders
Pencilers:James Fry & Ron Lim
Inkers: Andrew Pepoy & Pam Eklund
After returning to Knothole, Geoffrey informs Elias that Robotnik still has robotization on his mind. Sally disguises herself as a servant and manages to sneak out of Castle Acorn in order to go see Sonic, but Sonic has his hands full trying to stay incognito while he continues his quest for Arachnis and the Sword - not to mention Mina, Sally's latest rival for Sonic's affection. And just like last issue - what's with all the missing Overlanders? Plus, another Knuckles back-up story, guest-starring Sonic's buddy Tails.
Okay - say it with me. "Damn." ^___^
Where do I start on THIS one? First of all Tails is getting a LOT of recognition lately...More attention than he's gotten in a long time. Hmmmm. That, AND Tails and Dr. Robotnik (???) now seem to have some sort of connection? Plus it seems that the Chosen One saga is being extended to 4 parts. THIS is a good thing. ^^ Maybe Tails The Fox is the rumored "Ultimate Villian" ^__^ But Archie wouldnt have Sonic fighting Tails, his own sidekick and "psuedo-little brother" on the 100th issue anniversary - would they? ;D
Sonic's incognito identity makes him look like an X-Man with that cape and X gloves. Hehehe. ^__^ But the biggest shocker (to me anyway) was the cover of Sonic #98. Juct click on it for a sec, and tell me if you see the same thing I saw. Does that cover say Sonic Adventure 2 in the background? We know its not gonna be in the book in time for Sonic #100. Archie's already gotten that and the first few issues after it planned out. But I think that after #100.... Plus - something I noticed, but its amazing that the June cover sports SA2. Especially since thats the release date for America. But not to worry or anything. Like I said - #100 and the first issues past are probably already planned out, so theres no need to worry about Sega intrusions on the big "UV Story" for now. But at least we know that theres a large possibility that its coming...
And last but not least, those spoilers. Whats with the all missing Overlanders? Its ABOUT TIME we finally saw Sally take some initiative again. Perhaps she wont be playing second fiddle for a while, but it looks like a meeting between her and Mina and Sonic is imminent. Uncle Chuck returns, Geoffrey's proabably still gonna be a prude with Elias on puppet strings, and I'm still trying to figure out just what this link is between Tails and Dr. Robotnik...
One more issue to go....Hmmmmm...... ;D
...will be held on Tuesday evening, 8:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, February 27, 2001. Since we're on the new system, we have nothing to worry about as far as system crashes go, unlike if this were being held on my old ISP's servers. That said, I hope to see you there.
On another note, the new e-mail addresses are working great, except for the fact that I can't send out yet. Bob is working on it and hopes to have the situation resolved withing the next day or two, so anyone looking for responses from me, i ask you to please be patient. Thanks.
There you have it.
Source: Ken Penders' Message Board
Special thanks to Typhoon of the GHZ Message Board for finding this info! This is what I get for being late on this... :P
Ladies and gents - the longlost hidden mystery that is Sonic Arcade (or better known to the our Japanese friends as "SegaSonic The Hedgehog" is now playable as a ROM. Its not that great a ROM, but hey, beggars can't be choosers. ^__^
The game is playable on an Emulator called "Modeler". What makes SegaSonic The Hedgehog so interesting and flat out _RARE_ is that it was the only Sonic game that was not available to any Sonic fan even via the internet till now. It was never brought to the states at all and it was even more scarce since it was an arcade game. :P Its the one that basically NO ONE knew anything about and its the Sonic Game that introduces Ray The Flying Squirrel and Mighty the Armadillo into SegaSonic continuity.
The "Drano Cookie Monster" Green Gibbon (of the GHZ) has played the ROM of the lost game and had this to say about Sonic Arcade on the GHZ Message Board:
Okay, it's not that good. The emulation sucks monkey nuts. You can only see about half the graphics at any given time (the blank spaces being represented by flashing gibberish and pure whiteness), it's slow as a sloth on Prozac, and the music is choppy. But regardless...this is as close as I've yet come to actually playing Sonic Arcade, so I'm not complaining. Too much. I didn't actually play as Ray. I couldn't figure out how, or even if it's possible, to select the character, so I just used Sonic. I only played about fifteen minutes and got through a couple of areas, but it's actually pretty cool. The whole object is to escape...there's something chasing you down every corridor, whether it's an avalanche, spiky steam-roller thing, or twisted gears, the object is to keep moving. It's fast and although (or maybe because) it's simple, it seems like it could be alot of fun. The control is quite slippery. Think Marble Madness meets Sonic Spinball. The levels are laid out as corridors from a 3/4 perspective like Labyrinth or 3D Blast. Sonic has a power bar and Rings replenish it. What I could make out of the music sounds really good...I'm actually still remembering a piece of what I heard. I bet the graphics were awesome by 1993 standards, especially if I could see them... Actually, it's almost like a dumbed-down Sonic Labyrinth. It moves, though. I can imagine playing this thing in an arcade with two other people building up a sweat with the trackballs would have an almost Samba de Amigo-esque quality to it. I'll sit around and play it some more when I don't have to get up for an 8:00 A.M. class followed by a day of homework and wrapped up with an evening of work.Glory to God in the highest, and peace to his people on Earth!
And there you have it! I'll post some more if GG gets wind of it. In the meanwhile you can access the post which can get you to Modeler and the Arcade ROM below: