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  • Sonic Robo Blast 2 celebrates 20th Anniversary this month.

    20 years of development! If you've played just one Sonic fangame, chances are you've tried out Sonic Robo Blast 2 at some point. Based off of the Doom engine, this game has been in development for 20 years this month!  This month, Sonic Robo Blast 2 celebrates its 20th anniversary. Sitting down to write this […]

    IDW Sonic Comics Will Have The “Two-Worlds Canon”

    On the latest episode of Ian’s BumbleKast series, we were let in on a little more info regarding the canon of IDW Sonic. IDW Sonic will have the “two-worlds canon”. This means that, in IDW Sonic canon, there will be the human world that we see in the Adventure games, as well as Sonic’s world. Sonic IDW […]

    Sonic the Hedgehog Battle Racers Fully Funded!

    Sonic the Hedgehog Battle Racers, the boardgame kickstarter by Shinobi7, has been fully funded reaching several of its stretch goals! It achieved $138,351 of its $50k goal, nearly triple what was being asked. Its stretch goals that have been funded include: Token Bag, Shadow, Blaze, Espio, Plastic Rings, Silver, Sticks, A Deluxe Box, Cream and Cheese, Rouge, […]

    New Sonic game will be revealed at SXSW

    According to, a new Sonic game will be announced at SXSW amidst many rumors surrounding the gaming event managed to interview Ivo Gerscovich who is the chief brand officer for Sonic in America and in the same article they said the following: And this year is looking to be just as fast […]

    Sonic Mania nominated at NAVGTR

    Awww yeah, some recognition for a Sonic game. Sonic Mania has been nominated for 3 awards from the National Academy of Video Game Trade Reviewers! Let us know what your favorite thing about Mania was in the comments!   The awards it was nominated for are as follows: “Game Design, Franchise” “Control Precision” “Game, Franchise Family”

    Diamond Select Sonic Figures Revealed

    Diamond Select will release a range of Sonic toys coming soon that follow a traditional approach. The two diorama/statutes will be made available to U.S. retailer GameStop, and focus on Modern Sonic and Modern Tails doing radical poses.

    The Sonic movie will be out Nov 15 2019

    Looks like we finally have a date for the upcoming movie! According to The Hollywood Reporter, the still as of unnamed Sonic movie will release on November 15, 2019. That's only 633 days away so mark those calendars. Edit – Feb 22 2018 for their press release below:   SEGA of America and Paramount Pictures […]

    Meet Rough and Tumble, two brand new Sonic comic villains.

    A new era of Sonic comics begins in April, when IDW releases the first four issues of its Sonic the Hedgehog series. The skunk brothers above are Rough and Tumble, a pair of new villains who’ll be causing a stink for Sonic and Knuckles in issue three. Rough is on the left and Tumble is on the […]

    Exclusive first look of what comes next at SXSW

    Sonic Is Ready To Take 2018 By Storm at SXSW 2018 Sonic returns once again at SXSW, this time he brought our usual friends Aaron Webber and Takishi Iizuka, as well as for the first time, the one and only Tyson Hesse! This panel will reflect on the past, such as Forces and Mania but […]