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  • Shuffle Bugged

    Well - some are saying Sonic Shuffle is pretty good - some however are damning it to the lowest bowels of Sonicdom. Gamefan is one of the latter following echos of reviews from fans and VG pages alike as they've graced it with a whopping 42. :P Here's an excerpt from thier review:

    One of the things that made Mario Party such a success were its fantastic mini-games, they were quick and easy to understand, and you were involved in one at least every turn. Sonic Shuffle’s mini-games really aren’t that swell--while a few are mindless and fun (like the wooden labyrinth game), most are either unnecessarily complex, banal, or just plain stupid. For example, in Sonicooking, one player flips a giant frying pan while the others try to stay inside and collect rings. There’s zero challenge to stay in the pan because the flipper cannot move it fast enough to knock you out. A safe cracking mini-game has you turning a knob ad as soon as the other player sees a “!”, they open the door. Whichever team can do this faster wins. Lame. And here’s the real kicker. You really don’t play that many mini-games during the course of play because you have to land on specific spaces to activate them, and there are really very few of them on the board. You don’t even get to complete in a free-for-all mini-game at the end of everybody’s turn like in Mario Party.

    'Taint funny Sega! If you wish to read the entire review check out the Source Link below. Its not pretty....

    Source: Gamefan's Shuffle Review

    Older Tidbits From Ken Penders

    Ron cleaned out his mailbox yesterday and graced us with Sonic Mailing List potpourri from Ken Penders (in red and the actual letters in cyan)! I wont reproduce everything here (Go to Kens board or subscribe to the list ya lazy twit!) But I thought the Robo-Robotnik news was interesting enough to post here. ^__^

    What I'm wondering is, if you wrote all of #51-present (with Mike Gallagher possibly doing the issue #3 reference story with Al and Cal like he did with "Opposites DETRACT") Would we be seeing Robo-Robotnik right now?

    Yes, but as for how different than Karl has done, it's hard to say. Initially, when we killed off Robotnik in #50, Sega allowed us to do so with the provision he be brought back six to eight months later. We just kept pushing it off for as long as possible for a variety of reasons -- storyline, marketing and even production considerations. The only major difference is that I wouldn't have used the name Robo-Robotnik after explaining where he initially came from. I had planned to use Robotnik Mark 2 and avoid any confusion over the mattter.

    Subscribe: Archie Sonic Mailing List

    Big Bully Sony Picking On The Stores?

    Here's something interesting...In recent days, it has been no secret that Dreamcast has been enormously benefiting from Sony's blunders in launching the PlayStation 2, with even Sega of America's President speaking on the matter.

    Recently however, Sega X says that theyve been receiving word that something is not right in the World of Gaming... at least in America, anyway.

    Barnes & Noble, owners of Babbage's Etc., Software Etc., Funcoland, Gamestop, and more, appear to be involved in what could be seen as blackmail. So what do they have to back this? Well, according to them theyve had numerous employees from stores owned by Barnes & Noble, reporting the news that the stores have been told to remove all X-Box advertising, and stop pushing Dreamcast as much. The rest from Sega X's article:

    Sound rather unlikely? Well, we've went as far as to quote an employee of Software Etc. on the situation:

    When I asked my district manager (about the situation), she said: "It is a company-wide mandate that we are to take down X-Box promotion materials." When I asked her why, she said that "we have obligations to other companies right now and we don't need to be pushing the X-Box." When I asked her if it was because of Sony, she said "That's possible but I'm not totally sure."

    We've been hearing from other sources that Sony have indeed contacted Barnes & Noble regarding the situation.

    So, is this Sony showing Microsoft-like bully boy tactics? We'd be surprised if this wasn't true, after hearing it from so many sources, there has to be one common link. It would be interesting to see if the law comes into play, but until then, we can't say any of this is concrete.

    A good way to find out is to call your local store, or if you go in and see that most X-Box materials have been removed, then it is more than likely the case of Sony. As of this moment, is still advertising X-box -KP

    Source: Sega X

    PSO – Everyone Say, “Thank You Mr. Yuji!”

    Sonic Team are all set to release Phantasy Star Online on December 21st in Japan, and to celebrate the big occasion, the Sonic gurus are to hold a thank you party in Osaka Japan on the 16th.

    So what does this party involve? A heck of a lot frankly. There will be a Q&A section, where Joe Public can put questions towards the team; a PSO Panel Discussion, featuring the game's producer, Yuji Naka, and development team members; a PSO game demonstration, where Sonic Team members will play the game, demonstrating how it works; a scramble for Sonic Team goodies, including old past times such as rock, paper, scissors and quiz questions; a history corner, looking back at earlier Sonic Team games; and much more Sonic Team madness! ^__^

    There's no need to reserve a place at the party, you can just drop by on the 16th between 13:00 and 17:00, if you live anywhere near Osaka that is (Why can't we get anything like this in America?). For us Westerners, there's two options. A) Move to Japan especially or B) Hold your own Sonic Team Thank you Party, drown your sorrows in Sonic Shuffle, anime, and Kool-Aid and invite all your friends! :D

    Source: Sega X

    New Sonic Java-Mini games

    Shadow of Sonic has been remodeled to play like a game! You can play many java games at the arcade, play the java slot machines, solve puzzles, and much more. One of the mini games is a Sonic trivia game that changes each time you play it. Other games featured are a memory game, blackjack, hangman, and more.

    Sonic Adventure 2 details…..

    Hey there folks! When I was on the Official UK Dreamcast Magazine's website, well to be more exact, the online chat, a person claimed he new further details on SA 2, when people questioned him, he said that Tails would indeed play one of the biggest roles in the game. It appears that this person believes he knows who created Dark Sonic, when questioned by chatters, he said Tails created Dark Sonic!

    Could this be yet another Nails the Bat rumor, or something more? Well time will only tell, to be infact, we will see whether or not this guy was an imposter on February 2nd 2001, the scheduled release date for Sonic Adventure 2. More information on the release date go to: and search 'Sonic'.

    Remember folks, there are an awful lot of rumors and theories going around about SA2, so don't take any particular one toooooooooo....serious^_^

    Sonic Adventure 2: First Impressions from IGN

    IGN got their paws on a demo of Sonic Adventure 2 and told us their first impressions of the game. You can read the article here. Also, it seems that we may be able to play the demo!! Here's what they said:

    .....There will be two things immediately noticeable when you lucky readers have the oppurtunity to play the demo version of Sonic Adventure 2 this month......

    I may be reading it wrong, but it sounds like we'll be getting a demo of the game with the January ODCM, on sale December 26th! Keep checking IGNDC for more info.

    To Tails or not to Tails

    Well, we've seen no pics of him so far and the big question is, IS TAILS IN SA2??? The answer is

    No one knows!

    The official Dreamcast magizine in the UK stated:

    In a recent interview with Yuji Naka, the guy who created Sonic, Official Dreamcast Magazine were asking questions about Phantasy Star Online and the new Sonic Adventure 2 game coming out early in 2001. When asked if Tails was going to be in Sonic Adventure 2, Naka replied that no he wasn't. When they then asked if Tails the Fox would make a comeback he said he couldn't say anymore which suggests that Tails may come back seeing as most developers say things like, 'Sorry but we have finally scrapped this.' I hope this will end months of specualation of Tails being in SA2.

    And Sagesages said this as well:

    In the Preview Yuji Naka it is made clear that Only Sonic, Knuckles and Dr. Robotnik are the surviving members of the original cast and he points out that the Dark Hedgehog plays a big role in the story. What ever the Dark Hedgehog is it will be big as even Yuji Naka refuses to talk about it.

    That should end speculation right there, two sources said Yuji Naka himself said no Tails, but WAIT! There's more. Gamespot got their hands on a preview and had this to say:

    Sega first showed us a brand-new trailer for the game that showcased Sonic Adventure 2's enhanced graphics and hinted at the storyline. From what we could tell, Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles are the primary heroes in this game, and their quest involves both Dr. Robotnik and a brand-new character. Though the trailer wouldn't show the character in full view, it did show several close-ups of his face, enough to allow us to make an educated guess about his identity...

    So, the answer to this question still remains unanswered after all this time. Hopefully the real answer will be revealed soon...

    News Poster Update

    I've updated the news posting rules, and if we have any more site ads and rebuttals, I'll add a post screening feature on here. I'll probably do it anyway, actually, when I write the new version. I'm too busy to write the new version right now, but I'll be working on it, as well as the directory and fan art, next week.