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  • About The Q&A

    These are questions and answers that were submitted up until 2008. They could be freely submitted and a member of the staff would do their best to answer.

    Looking for Dr. FexusFan? His replies can be found here.

    game vs comic

    1. Why is knuckles green in the comics? 2. Are they making any more sonic games? 3. Is SEGA making any more platforms? 4. Is eggman dead in the comics? 5. Is there any Sonic shows on reguler cable? 6. Is SEGA charecter Rouge in the comics? 7. Are Chao in the comics? thanks


    Why isn't maria and Dr. Gerald last name Kintobor?

    Questions for upcoming Sonic games

    1) I heard that the anouncement for Sonic Adventure 3 was really a remake of SA1, if so then when will it be released and what systems will it be on? 2)Are there new characters in Sonic Advance 2? 3) What is Ristar like ( I heard it was going to be on Sonic Mega Collection)?

    Sonic Merchandise

    Does anyone know where I can find a "Sonic the Hedgehog" costume for a child 8 years and up ? I'm having a difficult time locating one on the internet so far. Any help would be appreciated !

    Rouge and Shadow

    Is there a way to get Shadow and Rouge in Sonic Advance?How do you get them?


    1. If knuckles aorbed the master emreld did he absorb tikal and chaos? 2. what is sonics planet? Im hearing Earth in SA2 and in comics Mobias. 3.Is there SA2 Gmeshark CDX codes? 4.Why does sonic have robot parents? thanks

    sonic q’s

    1)How do i prove i am talented enough to become a staff member? 2)My friend told me there was a turbo tails, is that true and if so, what does he look like? 3)Is sega going to make another game on the s3 & k series with the death egg? (I want to know because the death egg games are the best!!!) 4)If the metal sonic from sonic cd was created between s1 & s2, how come eggman just didn't rebuild him for s3 & k? 5) Will creme be in any other games besides sonic advance 2? 6)can metal sonic from sonic anime go super? Please answer these questions and I love your site.

    Super Sonic Confusion

    I've heard that in a series of games or comics that Super is evil. Is this true, and if it is, why? Thanks.