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  • About The Q&A

    These are questions and answers that were submitted up until 2008. They could be freely submitted and a member of the staff would do their best to answer.

    Looking for Dr. FexusFan? His replies can be found here.

    Sonic anime on tv…

    Has the Sonic Anime ever been shown on TV in the US? If so, what channel? Will it ever be aired(whenwhat channel)? Thanx. P.S.> Think it might be aired on toonami's in-flight movies?

    about SA2 and archie

    i would like to know if there is an adaptation for sonic adventure 2 in the archie sonic comic series. if so, what issues does the adaptation take place? thank you.

    Sonic help

    My sister always bugs me about this. Did Sonic break up with sally?thanks sonic HQ.

    OKay I am proably becoming annoying….. BUT please anwser these qeustons.

    1. Where can I buy Sonic Comics, like what store, and do you recomend any certein ones, cause I never got one before.... 2.Is sonic merchandise found mostly in Japan cause there is none nowhere 3. How do I become able to send fan art here 4.Is there any way to get SOnic posters, or coloring pages or anything... 5. Did toon disney cancel SOnic cause its not on anymore and I am really MMMMAAAADDDDD

    You say…

    You say that Sega won't put Archie Sonic Comic charcters in Sega Sonic games, but most of the Freedom Fighters were copywright of Sega and some of the characters from the Comic appeared in "Sonic Spinball" for Genesis. Correct? If that's true then why can't or don't they do the same with the other Sonic games?

    mega sonic collection?

    I've heard that there is a game called the mega sonic collection coming out for gamecube that has the games sonic 1-2-3 sonic spinball sonic and knucles and dr. robotniks mean bean machine. Is that true?

    sonic adventure

    In sonic adventure I was in eggmans base and i saw metal sonic but there was a other metal sonic who was that sonic?

    Whats goin on?

    What is going on? i Sent you guys a question that followed all of the sonic hq rules and still no answer?


    Once more, I have a Gap comic question. What ever happened to Elias between issues 89 and 109? I havn't seen him.