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  • About The Q&A

    These are questions and answers that were submitted up until 2008. They could be freely submitted and a member of the staff would do their best to answer.

    Looking for Dr. FexusFan? His replies can be found here.

    freedom fighters

    i heard that the freedom fighters are on sonic spinball.are they on the gamegear version or the genesis one?

    Some Qustions

    Dear Org : It's me again, please help me in those Q's : 1- Will Bunnie & Rotter appear again in the games ( like in Sonic Spinball) even as sectert characters ?
    2- How did the freedom fighter met whit the Sonic Underground Group (Prince Sonic's family) from the other Dimention/Zone in the comic ?
    3- Are there any Vampires on Mobius ? Kind or evil ?
    4- Will Sonic & ST.Johns make up ?
    5- Any Idea about prince Sonic's( Sonic Undergriond) Real Dad or Future wife ?
    6- Is there a Princess Amy or Sivilian Sally in the other zones ? Thanks again .


    I am a huge Kragok fan but I don't have SSS 11,did it mention how Kragok and Lien-Da got their cybernettic implants ? Did it show how Mari-Su die?

    Chao parts

    On Sa2, I evolved a chao, but how do I get the animal parts to go away, like rabbit ears or something?

    to tell the truth

    a)ok.this is confusing. once i went to one of 'em cheat websites and once they said that if you finish sa2 with sonic/shadow with or without "A" rankings, you could get alternate costumes in 2 player mode. well i've finished the game. even the "last" stage but i don't see any new costumes. is there anything else i need to do or were those guys just lying? b)after finishing the last stage, in the story, what did sonic give to rouge?thanks.

    Do You Need The Secret Items

    Do you really need the secret items on sonic adventures 2 battle, for example sonic's Power Up Magic Gloves and knuckles or tail's mystic melody or other secret things too complete the game?

    Getting the character

    Do I have too get all the characters in sonic adventures 2 battle to battle. It Will Help Allot If You tell me how too get them, if you have to get them.