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  • About The Q&A

    These are questions and answers that were submitted up until 2008. They could be freely submitted and a member of the staff would do their best to answer.

    Looking for Dr. FexusFan? His replies can be found here.

    Super Knuckles

    I heard that you can play as Super Knuckles in Sonic Adventure. Is this true and whats the cheat?

    Super or Hyper?

    In the last stage of SA2 you see Sonic and Shadow use the Chaos Emeralds. Sonic becomes Super Sonic. But what is the name of Shadow after he uses them? Some people say Super Shadow, some say Hyper Shadow, but it doesnt say in the game.

    Chao Evolution

    This may seem kind of dumb, but how do you get your chao to cocoon more than once and my friend and I have a different set of eggs in the black market. Why is that?

    What the…

    I am English and I have little idea of some of the characters. Packbell?!?! I was reading NetRapter's "Daylight Savings", and I wondered who he was and what role he plays in Archie Sonic. I looked in the profiles but he wasn't there.


    I would like to submit a story to the fan fic section for other reader's pleasure, but I have no idea how to send it in HTML format. I acknoledge that it has something to do with internet things but I don't know if you must use a program or if it only has something to do with emailing it, but I am not sure. PLEASE help me!?


    were chaos in the first sonic games or when did they become chaos?

    Sonic’s first

    When and how did sonic learn how he could go so fast? was Sonic able to turn super sonic in "Sonic the hedgehog 1"? What did sega think about sonic being able to transform? (last one) did Dragon Ball Z's "Super Sayian" copy off "Super Sonic"?

    Chaos emerald power

    I being hearing stuff about a "super emerald" what are they and how does Sonic get them? The 7 emeralds sound like the 7 dragon ball; so do the emeralds enable Super Sonic to shoot energy blast from his hand?