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  • About The Q&A

    These are questions and answers that were submitted up until 2008. They could be freely submitted and a member of the staff would do their best to answer.

    Looking for Dr. FexusFan? His replies can be found here.

    Sonic Sites

    Hi. I have a Sonic the hedgehog site and once I saw a site who was giving out awards to sites. Can fans do that?

    thats messed up!!!!!

    Is it some defect of the sonic and knux collection that the level select is the only code that works? I have tried E V E R Y tric on this site. if there are other codes for PC what is the debug code?

    All the AVIs for Sonic CD work now except for the “Opening Scene”. It won’t play on my Macintosh, but the others will. Is this correctable?

    I did e-mail the site in the hopes that I would be able to watch the Sonic animes of Sonic CD when I found out that they were taken down due to "bandwidth problems". My wishes were granted except for one, "Opening Scene". When I tried to play it, all I got was the sound, not the video, and a message on my Mac said that a compressor could not be found. However, all the AVIs played just fine, no problems. I hope it is possible someone can fix this. Thanks.

    Sonic R for PC

    In SonicR for the PC if I play as MetalSonic I go against SuperSonic but theres noway I can play as him.Can I get a little help here?

    Sonic Crackers

    What about "Sonic Crackers" genesis game? Was it ever published?


    What year, month and date did the first anything of Sonic come out, and was the first thing that came out that was Sonic?

    the comices

    1th then cool site i love it .o well i want to know were do you get the Sonic comics?

    Sonic+Amy Rose

    OK, Amy says she is Sonic the Hegdehog's girlfriend, but I heard elsewhere that Sonic's got a different story. What is that story?


    Why does Robotnik put the animals in is robots? Do the animals work as batteries or something?

    new item

    In Sonic Adventure 2:Battle, where is the air necklace for Knuckles and Rouge?