Sonic The Comic #32

Release Aug 19, 1994
Writer Nigel Kitching
Lineart Cassanovas

Official Solicitation

"The Unbeatable Foe"
Writer: Nigel Kitching
Artist: Cassanovas

Firmly convinced that this particular plot device hasn`t been done to death over the previous two issues, a mysterious traveller wanders into the Emerald Hill Zone, bringing a computer as a gift for Sonic. It`s supposed to grant "mega-coolness beyond belief", but, since Sonic can`t see how he could possibly get any cooler, something must be wrong. Tails, however, sees a chance to finally catch up with his hero…

"No More Mr. Nice Bug – Part One"
Writer: Mark Eyles
Artist: Mike Hadley & John M. Burns

Cam `n` Bert, the Badnik Army Repair Functionaries (that`s B.A.R.F. for short, folks), carry out field repairs on a group of Moto Bugs that have been infected by a "nicenik" virus created by Porker Lewis. When two of the bugs have escape, they must track them down before they infect the whole army!

It`s at this point that the aim of Sonic`s World as being an introduction to Mobius is forgotten, in favour of more character-driven fare. And it never comes back.

Cover: Ferran Rodriguez