Official Solicitation
Sonic's allies continue their missions against the Deadly Six, attempting to reclaim the Chaos Emeralds. Who will return from their final stands? And will they make it back before Sonic has to face Zavok? Fantastic battles continue as we reach the climax of the Metal Virus Saga.
Featured stories[]
All or Nothing, Part 3[]
- Story: Ian Flynn
- Art: Evan Stanley (p. 13-20), Adam Bryce Thomas (p. 1-12)
- Colors: Matt Herms (p. 1-5; 6-12 (flats)), Elaina Unger (p. 6-20)
- Letters: Shawn Lee
- Assistant Editor: Riley Farmer
- Editor: David Mariotte
- Special thanks to: Mai Kiyotaki, Aaron Webber, Michael Cisneros, Sandra Jo, and everyone at Sega for their invaluable assistance

Zor's Chaos Emerald is shot off by Whisper.
In Orchardville, Silver continues to struggle against Zor and his shadow clones. Whisper watches them hidden in a tree, while her Wisps carry some prisms. Zor reveals that he knows who Silver is through usage of the Eggnet. He is fascinated about him being from the future and asks how far ahead; Silver replies that he was from a future a couple hundred years or so from now. As Zor still takes delight in the fact that everything he and his teammates were doing would bring misery for years to come, Silver uses his psychokinesis to keep him stationary. The hedgehog calls Zor messed up and asks how the Zeti could be that way; Zor breaks out of his hold and has his shadow clones grab Silver from behind, asking how he could be so disgustingly heroic and selfless. Silver looks to him with a grin and tells him that he has faith in people and believes that things will get better; he also adds that he has a "Guardian Angel" watching over him. Following this, Whisper uses the Variable Wispon's Laser Mode to shoot at the prisms the Wisps were holding so that it hit the shadow clones and Zor, removing the Chaos Emerald from his chest. Silver catches the Emerald happily and proceeds to use his psychokinesis to crush Zor's owl mech, forcing the Zeti to fall off of it in despair. As Silver, Whisper and the Wisps take their leave, Zor calls out after them, saying that they could not leave him there as they were heroes and he was now trapped and powerless against the Zombots. Realizing that the situation was inhumane, Zor takes a liking to it, lays on the ground and describes it as perfect as Zombots slowly walk toward him.
In Riverside, Espio runs and dodges attacks shot at him from Zazz's Moon Mech. While laughing at the matter, Zazz commands the Zombots to box him in. The chameleon jumps in the air and throws his kunai attached to a rope to the roof of a house; he pulls himself up away from the horde, much to Zazz's displeasure. He fires at the rooftop with his Moon Mech, forcing the chameleon to back-up and turn invisible. Zazz laughs but when the smoke clears and he sees the rubble but not Espio, he angrily yells after him and calls him lame for turning invisible again. He then shouts for Espio to come out and fight him like a man; the invisible chameleon jumps behind Zazz and kicks him in the back. He then dodges underneath his legs and delivers a flurry of hits at him. Following this, Espio jumps onto his head, kicks it downward, then jumps off of him, revealing himself. The angered Zazz reels forward, stating that his attacks were not bad but Zavok had done much worse. When the Zeti asks if Espio was ready for round two, he declines, saying that he already won and disappears from his sight once again. Zazz then manages to see Espio jumping from rooftop to rooftop away from him; he calls him a coward and tells him to come back and fight so that he could show him the real power of the Chaos Emerald. However, when he checks his chest, he sees that the Emerald is gone and instead he finds a note from the Chaotix Detective Agency that says "Justice is served." As Zazz screams in anger, Espio falls through the Warp Portal saying that though he was the only one present in body, his teammates were there with him in spirit.

Jet stays behind with Wave and Storm to face a Zombot horde.
In Winterburg, Jet flies toward Master Zik on his Extreme Gear, demanding that he lets his teammates go. Master Zik calls the hawk a brash, young fool, saying that only now did he begin to understand the consequences of threatening his elders. While hitting Zombots with her wrench, Wave tells Jet to leave before it was too late and adds that she told him that a full frontal assault was a bad idea. Storm, who is fending off Zombots with his Extreme Gear, asks what they will do, as he could punch the Zombots yet that was all he knew how to do. Jet helplessly looks on, with Master Zik pitching in on how he was a poor leader; he tells him that one should not sacrifice their own unless it gains them the advantage and says that all he needed to do was utter a single command for Jet to lose everything. When Master Zik asks Jet to humor him and beg for mercy as it had been so long that he had crushed an enemy under his own heel, the hawk refuses saying that they were the Babylon Rogues; they do not give up, they do not beg, and they do not lose. Upon saying this, Jet hits the Zeti with a large gale of wind from his Bashōsen. As he falls down, Storm beams with opportunity and uppercuts Master Zik overhead. Wave then uses her wrench to snatch the Chaos Emerald from his possession. Master Zik tumbles to the floor and is soon grabbed by Zombots. He states that it was not tactical and there was no skill; he continues saying that Jet just got lucky. Wave passes the Emerald to Jet, saying that he should leave. This confuses him and requests that they all leave instead. Wave clarifies, saying that her Extreme Gear was lost to Zombots and Storm's board is nearly smashed into pieces, meaning that Jet had the only functioning board and should go because of this. The ponders while looking at the Chaos Emerald and makes a decision; he ties the Emerald to his board and sends it through the Warp Portal and readies himself to fight with his teammates. Jet tells them that like he told the Zeti, the Babylon Rogues do not lose. According to him, Sonic will get the Emerald and do his hero thing, but they will show the Zombots a real challenge in the meantime.
Back on Angel Island, the survivors return via the Multi-Portal Generator from their trips. Metal Sonic quickly catches Jet's Extreme Gear while Eggman catches the green Chaos Emerald, realizing that they did not make it. Sonic catches the red Chaos Emerald, and as Amy asks where Cream was, she sees Sonic's distressed expression. The hedgehog states that Gemerl was with her and she will be okay because they were going to make things right. Silver then mentions that Sonic needed two more Emeralds to become Super Sonic and save everyone, though Sonic had thoughts about that. He tells Silver that everything is infected in the future, meaning that the current events happened already, meaning that they failed. The difference this time was Silver coming back in time to help change the future. He tells him that if they were going to change the future, they needed to use the one thing that was not there before and so asks Silver for his help; the young hedgehog accepts, saying that Sonic should just tell him what he wants him to do. Tails spots the Faceship and states that Zavok had found them. Eggman sarcastically tells him that he catches on fast and then tries to get in touch with Rouge, saying that they were out of time and asks her to enact whatever plan she had now. As several Zombots approach the island under the command of Zavok, he asks Sonic if he could see the faces of all his friends that he failed from his hiding spot. Looking upon Angel Island, he comments on it being smaller than the Lost Hex but not less beautiful, yet still states that he cannot wait to bathe it in Metal Virus. Lights soon begin shortfuse and explode from above. Confused, Zavok soon spots Rouge with the white Chaos Emerald who sarcastically asks if the Emerald powered the one ship. She turns to him saying that she wanted to do this more elegantly but supposes that brute force works on brutes like him. Before taking off, she tells Orbot and Cubot to tuck and roll.

Sonic faces a group of familiar Zombots.
Rouge kicks and breaks out of one of the eye windows, escaping from a furious Zavok. The Faceship's systems short circuit, forcing it to fall down into the ocean, crashing down onto the large horde of Zombots. Eggman complains that his best effort to date had gone to waste, with Sonic adding that he was glad that the Zombots could survive that kind of damage. Sonic then asks if Rouge knew that the Zombots could survive by crashing the Faceship onto them, to which she replies that she did as she does her research, adding that Sonic was welcome for her help. When Sonic asks about Zavok's Chaos Emerald, Rouge tells him that they will retrieve it when the fires die down and states that the Zeti was not going anywhere; Eggman contradicts this, pointing back down to Zavok who was emerging from the rubble and was heading straight for them. With his Chaos Emerald, Zavok unleashes his full power and transforms into Giant Zavok. He then shoots a massive fireball out of his mouth at the island, shaking it and angering Knuckles. Sonic asks Tails and Rouge for air support and tells Silver to bring the Chaos Emeralds. Giant Zavok grabs a large handful of Zombots, charges up his throw with his Emerald and hurls them onto the island. Before Sonic can finish his sentence, he is met face-to-face with Zombots, including some of his allies.
- Amy Rose
- Babylon Rogues
- Big the Cat
- Chaotix
- Cheese
- Chocola
- Cream the Rabbit (mentioned)
- Cubot
- Deadly Six
- Master Zik (infected)
- Zavok
- Giant Zavok (first appearance)
- Zazz
- Zor
- Dr. Eggman
- Elder Scruffy
- Froggy (first appearance)
- Gemerl (mentioned)
- Jewel the Beetle
- Knuckles the Echidna
- Metal Sonic
- Miles "Tails" Prower
- Orbot
- Silver the Hedgehog
- Sonic Fan Club
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Super Sonic (mentioned)
- Tangle the Lemur
- Team Dark
- Vanilla the Rabbit
- Whisper the Wolf
Races and species:
- Silver's future (mentioned)
- Sonic's universe
- Air Shoes
- Bashōsen
- Cacophonic Conch
- Chaos Emeralds
- Chaos Emerald Siphon
- Concealers
- Egg Goggles
- Extreme Gear
- Limiter Ring
- Metal Virus
- Moon Mech
- Multi-Portal Generator
- Prisms
- Sonic's shoes
- Warp Topaz
- Wispon
- Chaotix Detective Agency
- Cyan Laser
- Eggnet (mentioned)
- Glide
- Leaf Swirl
- Ninja Arts: Camouflage
- Propeller Flying
- Psychokinesis
- Screw Kick (first appearance)
- Spin Attack
- Tornado (first appearance)
- The Deadly Six are still in control of the Faceship and the Zombot hordes following the events of Sonic the Hedgehog #25, "A Sudden Shift". This would last until Sonic the Hedgehog #29, "All or Nothing, Part 4".
- In continuation from the previous issue, Silver continues to fight Zor, Espio engages Zazz and the Babylon Rogues take on Master Zik, albeit with Wave and Storm cornered, first depicted in Sonic the Hedgehog #26, "All or Nothing, Part 1".
- Zor mentions how he spent a lot of time on the Eggnet, which was first seen in Sonic the Hedgehog #21, "The Last Minute, Part 1".
- Zor takes delight in knowing his and the Deadly Six's actions would bring ruin to Silver's future, a fact that he first learned in Sonic the Hedgehog #26, "All or Nothing, Part 1".
- Zazz recalls Espio using his invisibility technique the first time from Sonic the Hedgehog #26, "All or Nothing, Part 1".
- Espio remembers Charmy and Vector falling victim to the virus, first depicted in Sonic the Hedgehog #17, "Victims" and Sonic the Hedgehog #22, "The Last Minute, Part 2", respectively.
- The Zombots from Orchardville, Riverside and Winterburg are freed from the influence of Zor, Zazz and Master Zik, after having been under their control since each one of the three Zeti got a Chaos Emerald in Sonic the Hedgehog #25, "A Sudden Shift".
- Sonic is still infected with the Metal Virus he received in Sonic the Hedgehog #15, "Patient Zero".
- Tails and Amy return from their triumph over Zomom while only the red Chaos Emerald returns from Sunset City following the events of Sonic the Hedgehog #27, "All or Nothing, Part 2".
- The Faceship and the Zombots arrive at Angel Island, first depicted in Sonic the Hedgehog #25, "A Sudden Shift" and Sonic the Hedgehog #27, "All or Nothing, Part 2".
- The president and vice president of the Sonic Fan Club are some of the Zombots that appear at Angel Island, though it had not been initially revealed as to how they were infected. It was later revealed in Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2020, "The Catalyst" that after the Faceship dumped Metal Virus at Spiral Hill farms, the vice president had accidentally touched it while the president curiously touched it despite Jewel's warnings.
- Froggy makes his first appearance in this issue as a Zombot, though, much like Big, it had not been initially revealed as to how he became one. It was later revealed in Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2020, "Big's Big Adventure" that he was infected after he jumped on the head of a Zombot.
- On page ten, Wave appears to have an extra tuft of hair at the side of her head.
- In the third panel of page fifteen, Zavok's legs are colored red instead of black.
- On page twenty-eight, when everyone tries to keep balance after Zavok blasts fire at Angel Island, there are no signs of the Metal Virus on Sonic.