Official Solicitation
On your marks! Get set! RACE! Welcome, Extreme Gear fans, to the qualifier for the Clean Sweepstakes race around the world, sponsored by the Restoration and Clean Sweep Inc.! And look at the starting line! It’s Sonic, Tails, Amy, Surge, Kit, the Diamond Cutters, and the Babylon Rogues! Hold on to your tails because we’re in for one heck of a race!
Featured stories[]
Story one[]
- Story: Evan Stanley
- Inks: Min Ho Kim
- Colors: Reggie Graham
- Color Assist: Jonathon Dobbs & Rik Mack
- Letters: Shawn Lee
- Editor: David Mariotte & Thea Cheuk
- Production: Johanna Nattalie
- Special thanks to: Mai Kiyotaki, Afia Kahn, Michael Cisneros, Sandra Jo, Sonic Team, and everyone at Sega for their invaluable assistance

The Riders take off as Clean Sweepstakes begins.
Nite the Owl commentates on the Clean Sweepstakes and introduce himself as the emcee of the race, Nite tells of the race's collaborative roots as a partnership between the Restoration and Clean Sweep Inc.. Soon after Omochao commences the race by waving the staring flag and the racers take off on their Extreme Gear, Nite reminds the racers that to qualify they must fully finish the race before a certain number of people cross the finish line. Sonic encourages Tails and Amy to show them what they can do but while doing so, Tails is too busy geeking over people's extreme gear to which Sonic questions him if he wants to test his new prototypes or watch, whereby Tails then regains his focus on the race. In the air, Nite introduces the Clean Sweep Inc. mascots; Doctor Yolk and Nick, to the audience, while Barry hands out Chili dogs.
Meanwhile, Clutch is sat with Jewel having some Chaos Cola to which Jewel is repulsed by its sweetness and kindly declines the beverage. Clutch is amused by her reaction and tells her there are more than just one flavor of the drink. Jewel ponders if she should be down at ground level representing the Restoration, to which Clutch responds with a warning that being in the public eye is a recipe for trouble. He then tells of how an individual by themselves is approachable, fallible, and weak and Restoration should be seen as nothing more than an institution. Jewel counters this ideology, telling Clutch of how the Restoration has always tried to connect with the people it tries to help. Clutch assures her that they will help, but that changes are necessary. Jewel musses, to Clean Sweep Inc.'s credit, they have been impressive on the paperwork side. Clutch assures her that she hasn't seen the best of what his company has to offer, with plans to make their plans global scale. Jewel's alarm goes off as she realizes she has paperwork to do. Clutch stops her, noting how she'll miss the race. Jewel tells of how there is always paperwork to do, and recalls how Clutch himself noted it was where she "shines".

Back at the race, Nite announces how the racers are heading into the town, where the Babylon Rogues catch up to Sonic's team and Jet begins to mock the hedgehog, taunting him with their busy recent work and cockily questions the speedster if he thinks he can truly beat the Babylon Rogues. Wave then teases Tails over his extreme gear, but Amy quickly defends him, telling Wave she would choose Tails' gear over hers any day. Storm attempts to threaten Amy, but the attempt quickly fails as Amy strikes fear into the albatross. Jet goads Sonic into making his own taunt, but the hedgehog ignores him and sets his acceleration to the max. As Jet fumes over his rival getting away, Sonic praises Tails over the acceleration of their upgraded Extreme Gear. Both Team Sonic and the Babylon Rouges continue to race through the streets until Jet tries to take a swipe at Sonic's gear. The two groups are interrupted by Lanolin firing a version of the variable wispon, noting that attacking another competitor is a violation to the rules. Meanwhile, Tangle enthusiastically greets her friends. Somewhere further back, Surge clicks a controller, causing team Sonic's boards to go out of control.
On the evening before the race, Mimic, under the guise of one of the Restoration workers, talks about the upcoming races with Clutch, calling the Rouges "Airborne Maroons" always scrambling for treasure. For Team Sonic, Mimic tells Clutch he needs to stay off the radar, noting Amy to be the core behind their success and her finding out about Clutch's presence would cause their plan to become messy and fail. Mimic proposes to arrange something to better their chances. Clutch tell him to head over to Pre-race inspections and meet up with his "boys" who know of what Clutch desires. On the morning of the race, Mimic, now disguised as Duo, wakes up Surge and Kit. After dealing with the fallout of waking the duo up, Mimic tells the pair that Clutch has assigned them a mission; to click the button on the remote and mess up the hero's gear. Surge is unamused by the sneaky nature of the plan and would rather do something more bold. Clutch then walks in and reminds her how they were nothing until he found them, leaving Surge but no choice but to follow through with the assignment.

Team Sonic is scolded by Lanolin and disqualified from the race.
Back during the race, Tails carries Sonic as the pair try and save Amy, which leads to the trio hanging on to the back of the upgraded Pink Rose. The chaos is ended by Whisper who blasts the three boards with her Cyan Laser to help them. Tangle asks the trio if they are alright. Lanolin cuts in and coldly calls them a hazard to the race, telling them to get off the track, which leads to Tangle becoming aggrieved with her teammate's callousness towards their friends who could have been hurt, but Duo agrees with Lanolin's "harsh" behavior. Lanolin retorts that a pileup was only averted due to Whisper's good aim as the Diamond Cutters drive off. Team Sonic is disqualified from the race.
After the race, Duo tells Jewel about Team Sonic's disqualification. Jewel enquires over their safety and wishes to speak to the trio but Duo tells of how no one has heard of them since the end of the race. Jewel requests Duo to find them, whereby he then, shadily, assures her he has everything sorted. Later in Central City Sonic, Tails, and Amy are sitting in a restaurant and become suspicious over their disqualification, questioning their Extreme Gear, until Eggman walks in saying he has a proposition. He recalls of how after the heroes wrecked Eggperial City he wanted to do some more research but after catching the opening ceremony of the race, he became furious over Clean Sweep Inc. mocking him. Eggman managed to create an extreme gear called the Eggstreme Gear and a proposition is made: Sonic becomes a distraction in the races while Tails and Amy investigate the airship.
- Amy Rose
- Barry the Quokka (cameo)
- Babylon Rogues
- Clutch the Opossum
- Clean Sweepstakes Security (first appearance)
- Cubot (flashback)
- Cyber Singer Mika (picture)
- Diamond Cutters
- Dr. Eggman
- Dr. Yolk (first appearance)
- Jewel the Beetle
- Kitsunami the Fennec
- Miles "Tails" Prower
- Nick (first appearance)
- Nite the Owl
- Orbot (flashback)
- Omochao
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Surge the Tenrec
Races and species:
- Sonic's universe
- Sonic's world
- City
- Central City
- Eggperial City (mentioned)
- Sunset City (mentioned)
- Sonic's world
- Chaos Cola
- Concealer
- Egg Goggles
- Eggstreme Gear (first appearance)
- Extreme Gear
- Angel • Devil (first appearance)
- Blue Star
- Cover F (first appearance)
- Grinder (first appearance)
- Hang-On (first appearance)
- Heavy Bike (first appearance)
- Omnitempus
- Pink Rose (first appearance)
- Type-J
- Type-S
- Type-W
- Yellow Tail Turbo
- Golden Bell
- Hexpad (first appearance)
- Hydro Pack
- Piko Piko Hammer
- On page two, in one of the panels, Ian Mutchler's Sonic Forces Avatar, "Ian Jr.", is present who's standing next to Kit.
- On page three, a racer that resembles the infamous fan character "Simonchu" can be seen.
- Whisper, Tangle, and Lanolin's Extreme Gears in this issue are the Angel • Devil from Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity, and the Grinder and the Heavy Bike from Sonic Riders, respectively.
- The purple jacket and hat worn by Dr. Eggman are a reference to the "park" Mini-Event from Sonic Shuffle, where Eggman wears a similar outfit.
- On page four, Dr. Yolk calls Nick a "nincombot", a reference to what Dr. Robotnik calls Scratch and Grounder in Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog.
- On page six, The Limited Edition Chaos Cola X-treme Berry Blazzt is a reference to Sonic X-treme cancelled game for the Sega Saturn, with the soft drink's X-treme logo being rendered out in the same fashion as the game's title.