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Official Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) Topic

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Posts: 1789
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Never has the title Sonic the Hedgehog and the phrase "returning to his roots" have been made so invalid.:lol

Sonic and the Secret of the Rings is aiming for "returning to its roots" simplicity more than Sonic 2K6 ever was.


Oddly enough, the profile page also states that Princess Elise is the first heroine of the Sonic series.

Except that Amy, Rouge, Cream, and Blaze predates her. Not to mention Tikal, Maria, and Wave.

Posts: 504
Honorable Member

Psx, you are getting my therpy bills because of thouse pictures.

I really don't see why you people hate rap so much. But sense i grew up listen to Rap and R & B and did'et start listen to Rock and tencno 'till SA2 Came out. Heck, we did'et even hear the remix and you people already hate the ideal.

With all due repest, SOME people don't wanna try nothing new. SOME people was the same old Rock music and hate Rap for what reasion i don't know and don't even bother telling us.
Im rather happy that Sega is useing Rap, i mean at least there useing a REAL Rapper then the dude who made Knuckles lyrics.

Some Rappers are takeing a down fall. (Chicken noodle soup and Good googly moogly (Which im listean to now) are good examples. Dear lord who gave then a contrack?!)

No, im not trying to preach, im just stateing my option. And i know some one gonna bit my head off. Akon made some really good songs and bet he gonna pull this off with no problem.

(Is supporting ideal 'till she hear the remix.)

Posts: 1789
Noble Member

Hey, I like rap--as long as it's good and not laughable like the junk in Knuckles's SA2 levels.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Well I have managed to track down the demo of Remix Factory's Remix of Open Your Heart. Apparently Sega told them to take it down.

But its too good for this place... :p

I'm a heel.

Posts: 377
Reputable Member


9 Stories... Someone going to fish aren't they?

... I thought this game was called Sonic the Hedgehog. Silver and Shadow is enough, seriously.

Posts: 504
Honorable Member

(Listen to the song Jhon posted) OH MY GOD...THIS ROCKS! It sound like a dark dance mix. But that's me being retarded. Too bad it's only 2 min. long. :(

Ash: Yea, Knux leval stages were kinda bad. But we should be happy that they are useing a real rapper this time.

Deus: Sega will do anything to toss extra charthers in to please fans. Like Tikal in SA2 and Chaos in SA2 and Battle.

Posts: 21
Eminent Member


9 Stories... Someone going to fish aren't they?

Maybe the 9 character stories are opitional and you don't need to finish them to unlock the final story. But if not..*sighs* I thought the other characters in the game are support characters in storymode and for 2P mode. I didn't know they have stories too.

Posts: 350
Reputable Member

I'm thinking that the first story is like a tutorial. Silver's still in the future and somehow has to get the hell outta there. Silver, Sonic, or Elise(?), or maybe not at all. I'm just guessing.

Anyhoo, watch this: Beginner, Sonic, Silver, Shadow, Tails, Blaze, Omega, Rouge, Last.

I'm still guessing, by the way. SA storymodes were pretty long, and what with next gen, they could be longer. YEAH TECHNOLOGY!!

I'm seriously looking forward to two player modes. :) .

Posts: 146
Estimable Member

9 stories, eh? Well, there ARE nine slots on the character roster on the Japanese site...I'm guessing Elise and Eggman don't count, considering they're apart from the others.

Posts: 1241
Noble Member


Hey, I like rap--as long as it's good and not laughable like the junk in Knuckles's SA2 levels.

Pfft. Those songs crush any rap you can throw at them. ;)

Posts: 526
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Official PS3 box.....I think.

PS3 Sonic box

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Well if there is a genuine attempt to make every character different it should be easy.
Sonic: Well he's Sonic.
Silver: Telekenesis.
Shadow: Sonic with Cars. Maybe some Chaos moves as well.
Tails: (According to the Grand Prophet One Classy Bloke) Tails has gadgets, not entirely disimilar to Tails Adventure.
Knuckles: Probably plays a bit slower than Sonic does but he has the whole exploration thing so you might have to find different routes.
Amy: (I doubt she is playable but...) Expand on the whole hiding from enemy characters aspect from Adventure.
Rouge: Flys like Tails, Climbs like Knuckles, Ceiling Climb.
Omega: Gamma with more Rat tat tat tat tat (If he says "Say Hello to my little friend" or "You have 20 Seconds to comply" I will fan girl scream)
Blaze: Well I haven't played Rush, so I don't know but they might expand on the whole fire thing.
There will probably be a 10th Story Involving Super Sonic, Super Shadow, Super Silver and Super Blaze with a Cannons Core style level just before it.

One thing I can't understand is that some people are complaining because there is more shi...stuff. Just think instead of 1 Character going through 10 levels we now have 9 going through 10 levels hopefully having unique gameplay styles. That is 900% more stuff than we had at the the start. More stuff is good. Yes it has taken away from the original idea that this was going to be Sonic V Eggman. But I say again more stuff to do is good thing not a bad thing.

Posts: 439
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Hey I actually liked Tails Adventure, but that's because its main appeal was that the game was set up like Zelda, how you have areas you can't access until you gain a certain item, and then there's backtracking invovled. If they design the levels like that for Tails then I'd be happy, but I dare not to dream.

I don't think Amy should be do the whole running and hiding thing anymore, I like to think she's braver now than she was in Sonic Adventure. But I didn't mind the gameplay for her levels, so even if it's a step back it's still fun... ish.

Knuckles will probably be more emerald hunting *yawn*. I would like to see them come up with a new style of gameplay for him though, whatever that may be.

Rouge should be dropped, there's nothing unique about her gameplay. Tails can fly, Knuckles had the whole treasure hunter shtick before her. I can't think of anything interesting for her, but being a bat she can see in the dark so maybe that can somehow be utilized. She's also a spy, so if anyone will have the annoying stelath missions in this game, it should be her (I guess her level in SA2 at Eggmans desert base was sort of a stealth mission).

Omega could be fun if we could somehow customize him. You'd think he'd be adding parts to himself as he goes along trashing Eggmans bots.

Not sure about Blaze...

And as for Shadow, I wonder how Sonic is going to compare to him. Besides being as fast as Sonic, he also has gadgets and can GTA around the levels, stuff we can assume Sonic wont be doing. They're going to have to think up new ways to make Sonic special if we're to buy that he's unique anymore.

BTW, that Sonic cover looks nice cause it gives the appearance of a classic Sonic game where he's the only character (too bad this illusion will be destroyed once you turn the game on). Actually I've never seen a PS3 case before, they look... square. I was hoping they'd still stick with the DVD cover size, because I hated the old days when SEGA, Sony and Nintendo used different sized cases for their games... it made everything uneven when stacked on my shelf. I liked this era of all companies using DVD cases. =/

Posts: 1413
Noble Member


9 Stories... Someone going to fish aren't they?

Sweet.Look like I wont be getting bore with this game for a while.

Posts: 377
Reputable Member


Official PS3 box.....I think.

PS3 Sonic box

Here's some more shots of it.

The boxart is pretty snazzy. I am hopeful the 360 case will slip out somewhere. If it's legit or not is the question ... the back of the box doesn't seem official to me.

Posts: 114
Estimable Member

Hopefully, in the opening sequence we'll see big falling from a high ledge ;/

Posts: 286
Reputable Member

The robot in one of the three new shots (that resembles to silhouette on the character screen on the official site) kinda looks like a new take on Ball Hog/Ton-ton, in a way. I think it's the odd stance and round stomach, plus the balls that seem to be able to detach from its arms. I know Ton-ton fired balls from its body and this thing doesn't look like a pig, but it reminds me of that enemy nonetheless.. or some other metal-ball-related enemy I can't quite place right now.. Launch Base frog things (Keroppo)? Well, whatever it is, it looks awful.

"And as for Shadow, I wonder how Sonic is going to compare to him. Besides being as fast as Sonic, he also has gadgets and can GTA around the levels, stuff we can assume Sonic wont be doing. They're going to have to think up new ways to make Sonic special if we're to buy that he's unique anymore."

Well, whereas Shadow and Silver are classified as having 'Gadget Action' and 'ESP Action' game styles respectively, Sonic is 'Custom Action', so assuming noone else possesses this game type, I guess that's what'll make Sonic unique - the ability to 'customise' him. I don't know what it'll entail, but I remember one interview mentioning character customisation, and someone here saying it sounds similar to the card customisation system Sonic Rivals is going to have (which itself was likened to Sonic Battle).

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


One thing I can't understand is that some people are complaining because there is more shi...stuff. Just think instead of 1 Character going through 10 levels we now have 9 going through 10 levels hopefully having unique gameplay styles. That is 900% more stuff than we had at the the start. More stuff is good. Yes it has taken away from the original idea that this was going to be Sonic V Eggman. But I say again more stuff to do is good thing not a bad thing.

The problem with this is though not everyone is going to like every gamestyle that is drastically different from Sonic. This in turn decreases the enjoyment level and value of the game to many people. For example, in SA1 I seriously dislike Big's game and in SA2, I thought anything that wasn't the Speed levels or even Chao Breeding was boring. There were times in SA2 that I wish that the game just consisted of Sonic/Shadow level because everything else would be a waste of my money.

I mean the arguement that 'Sonic(or Sonic-like gameplay) should be the only playable character' is constantly brought up many times whenever someone mentions the series in gaming message boards.

And why whould it have to be limited to 9 characters going through the same 10 levels 9 times? Wasn't that idea a major complaint against Sonic Heroes? Why not have 1 or 2 characters going through 45-90 unique levels--like in Sonic CD?

Posts: 350
Reputable Member

Tails + Gagdets = FUN!!!

Omega will hopefully say something catchy....otherwise, well...I found this Grim Reaper costume in my closet, a One Ring collectible ring, and....

Well, he'd be screwed. I have this Batman costume for backup.

No Eggman?...Maybe next time....sigh...

Posts: 377
Reputable Member


Why not have 1 or 2 characters going through 45-90 unique levels--like in Sonic CD?

mmmm, someday ....

Posts: 1827
Noble Member


And why whould it have to be limited to 9 characters going through the same 10 levels 9 times? Wasn't that idea a major complaint against Sonic Heroes? Why not have 1 or 2 characters going through 45-90 unique levels--like in Sonic CD?

Because its easier to make a new character with different abilities than make a level. I would assume.

The whole point of Big was to go through a level slowly so you would admire the graphics. Goodness knows why he had to fish to retrieve Froggy. They could have turned him into Mario...

In Sonic Adventure 2 they took the 3 Gameplay styles that worked and tightened them up. It didn't work. I'll defend the Eggman levels but the Tails levels with the platforming over death didn't work. Treasure Hunting was bad. 1/2 an Hour in Meteor Herd before I realised there was a level above me.

The problem with Heroes was that The 4 Teams played exactly the same with some minor differences in the level and the teams.

I don't think everyone is actually going to be drastically different from Sonic. At least not as much as they were in Sonic Adventure. Heck Shadow is pretty much Sonic on a Bike. Or the level might be changed slightly so Sonic and Shadow will go through a similar path/s, But Knuckles will have to go through a different route because he is slower than the others or even a completely different level with just a graphical similarity with the one Sonic goes through.

Posts: 377
Reputable Member

According to, Sonic the Hedgehog will be playable at the Tokyo Game Show, and will also feature a trailer.

If the trailer is new or not is unknown at the time being, and there's no details on what all is currently playable (I'd assume the first levels with Silver and Sonic again, but Shadow may be possible).

So keep an eye out!

Posts: 39
Eminent Member

New screenshots of Shadow, and vehicles.

Posts: 350
Reputable Member

Dude, I found new pics of next gen.....ok, yes, I was looking for Cosmo sprites. Got a problem?

Anyway, this pic shows Sonic standing next to a (much taller) Elise, who is half laying down, half sitting position. Typical teen. Anyway, Sonic appears to be either laughing or smiling with his eyes closed.

Anyway, it would appear that Sonic, ever the outgoing one, makes Elise another friend of his. *sigh* Elise is like the unofficial Chris....go figure.

Posts: 504
Honorable Member

I saw that pic too. And who ever he saves is automaticaly his friend. And Sega made Elise Makeing Chris unoffical because 4 kids made him, not SEGA.

Or am i wrong? (Waits for someone to bite her head off for the wroung answer.)

Also, links will be nice.

Posts: 15
Active Member

Technically, 4Kids didn't make Chris. They just dubbed it (horribly, may I add...) and showed it on US soil.

I'm not sure who exactly came up with Chris though...

Posts: 21
Eminent Member


Anyway, it would appear that Sonic, ever the outgoing one, makes Elise another friend of his. *sigh* Elise is like the unofficial Chris....go figure.

I guess Sonic just has this effect on everyone. *shrugs shoulders*

Posts: 377
Reputable Member


New screenshots of Shadow, and vehicles.

I haven't seen any guns in Shadow's hands yet. (Which, IMO, is fantastic).

Posts: 63
Trusted Member

Rather, the weapons seem to be built into his vehicles.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Shadow 15 years old?:eek

Those vehicles look pretty cool.Expecially the hover bike and the stealth jet.

Edit -Shadow profile

New trailer with Blaze

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

It has to be said those vehicles are pretty cool.

So they have taken the only two things that (kinda) worked in Shadow and made them better. Hopefully.

So Shadow hasn't only nicked Sonic's game. He has nicked his age too.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

For those having trouble seeing the trailer

Stuff I notice:

- new versions of Zebrahead and Dream Come True songs

- a glimpse of Elise father

- Next Gen Blaze looks cool

- Sonic isn't as tall as I thought he be

- for some reason the CG Sonic looks worse than his in-game graphics counterpart

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

So what's this I've been hearing about a playable demo available to Xbox360 Live users in Japan during TGS? Apparently the new Tenchu will also be available to download and try during the event.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Actually the Sonic demo has been remove from the playing list for unknown reasons. Also don't even bother playing the Tenchu demo. Is sucks really bad .

Posts: 3756
Famed Member


Next Gen Blaze looks cool

Where? I didn't see her. CG Silver looks awesome when he's using his powers.

Posts: 363
Reputable Member


Where? I didn't see her. CG Silver looks awesome when he's using his powers.

She's following Silver around in one of his short clips.

Posts: 21
Eminent Member


Where? I didn't see her.

The clip of her is at 1:22. It's only a for a brief moment but you'll see her with Silver on the right.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Blaze 1
Blaze 2

Not sure if I like Sweet Sweet Sweet Remix yet... But its not looking great isn't it?

Instrumental "His World" > Lyriced "His World"

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Interesting. It seem Shadow's shadow it not his own(between 1:08 and 1:10)just like I mention a few pages back. Wonder what it is? Mephiles maybe?

Posts: 526
Honorable Member

IGN says no guns for Shadow. He's stricitly vehicle based.

Posts: 504
Honorable Member

Nice! Shadow LOOKS 15 but thats me. And I wonder how Blaze and Sliver came to sonic prime time?

And if Merphiles is Shadow from the future thean how did he become merphlies and why do he want to destory his self?

Guess he wanted to join Maria.

And no guns for Shadow? Yippie!

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

No gun for Shadow and Blaze is officialy in the game, can't get much better than that.(well maybe get rid of shadow as playable)

Posts: 350
Reputable Member

I think that Mephiles wants to kill Shadow (this is saying if Mephiles IS Shadow in the future or something), Shadow must've done a bad thing, and Mephiles is just doing it Shadow style.

By killing his past self to prevent whatever happens.

But as you may know, Shadow survives (cuz the fan base would go nuts if he died), and Mephiles will (most likely) learn the error and return to the future, once again a changed hedgehog. *gets booed right off of the stage*

I like to guess, ok?

Posts: 2191
Famed Member


Mephiles will (most likely) learn the error but stays in the present because Sonic Team likes doing like that once again a changed hedgehog.

fixing spree:p

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

I wouldn't mind if Shadow dies.

Posts: 56
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the stealth jet

Oh ew. That thing has so few polygons, it's disgusting. :( Look at the engines.


I think that Mephiles wants to kill Shadow (this is saying if Mephiles IS Shadow in the future or something), Shadow must've done a bad thing, and Mephiles is just doing it Shadow style.

By killing his past self to prevent whatever happens.

But as you may know, Shadow survives (cuz the fan base would go nuts if he died), and Mephiles will (most likely) learn the error and return to the future, once again a changed hedgehog. *gets booed right off of the stage*

Well, Shadow is the ultimate life form. He wouldn't have aged a day from where Silver's from, and he undoubtably had many solo adventures since then, with many life-treatening circumstances. I'm sure that using those emeralds for hundreds of years must have some sort of negative effect eventually.

Posts: 350
Reputable Member

Then again...Aren't ALL of the Sonic Rush characters supposed to appear in this? Playable or not?

What if Eggman Nega screwed him up in some way to make him evil?

Posts: 504
Honorable Member

Merplise look (to me) screams 'IM EVIL MORTEL' and wants to destory Shadow because HE is the oh so cool life form and bah blh bla...

I really don't like Shaodw. So long story short, i don't care if Merphlise is Shadow from the future that gose back in time destroy our Shadow. If it's a importent part of the plot, i pray it's well written.

I still like my theory that Sliver is Merphlies son. :p

Posts: 1789
Noble Member


Then again...Aren't ALL of the Sonic Rush characters supposed to appear in this? Playable or not?

Nope. Notice that Cream and Cheese are absent on the site.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Off befriending a complete (and possibly dangerous) stranger, I'd bet.

"Hey Mister Man-I-Found-Prowling-Around-My-Home-So-I-Decided-To-Make-You-My-New-Friend, what are you going to do with that rope and potato sack?"

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