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    Sonic The Hedgehog Released

    If you have an X-Box 360, Sonic The Hedgehog is in stores in North America now--so go buy/rent and play. You can read the press release at Gamespot. You have another month to wait if you want it on Playstation 3.

    Archie Previews

    Playing catch up, but Archie Previews encompassing Sonic X #14-17, Sonic The Hedgehog #169-172, and the Sonic Archives #1-2 can be seen here.

    Site question

    Hey, I was wondering....When is this site going to be fully operational? I notice that the pics in the encyclopedia aren't showing. And how come I can't acess the proart area? Is it restricted or something?

    Customise Sonic

    Customise and personalise Sonic's special abilities by spending the rings you've collected on custom moves!

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    Sonic The Comic Online #240

    After a slight delay, STC-Online #240 is finally out!

    Sonic in a race against time to prevent a bombing in Casino Night Zone! Tails & Amy face the machinations of the sinister Insect Family crime syndicate! But there may be a bigger threat lurking in the wings... Robotnik?! But he's insane... isn't he?

    Source:Sonic The Comic Online