According to Diamond Comics, Archie's Sonic X #2 is on sale in comic shops starting today.
According to Diamond Comics, Archie's Sonic X #2 is on sale in comic shops starting today.
In an odd move, mra entertainment has announced two Sonic X collections. Collection 1 has episodes 1-9 and Collection 2 has episodes 10-19. Both are set to be released on December 5th in Oz. It would be much better if they released the Sonic Underground DVDs that were supposed to be out a month ago.
The release date for Sonic X Volumes 13 - 17 in Australia has been confirmed for November 7th.
Source: MRA Entertainment
An editorial concerning the legends of Sonic and their relationship with aspects of the video games.
A number of Sonic 2 in 1 games are set to be released. These are Sonic Advance + Pinball Party, Pinball Party + Collumns (some random tetris game) and Sonic Advance + Sonic Battle.
In the US they're set to be released on the 15th of November. No word on the UK, but considering how Oz and UK release dates are similar, they're probably going to be released around November 20th.
SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #157 by Ken Penders & Ron Lim “System Shutdownâ€Â: Coinciding with the eagerly awaited Shadow the Hedgehog video game from Sega, it's the eagerly awaited return of Sonic's dark counterpart, Shadow! After the huge fan response to the earth-shattering events in issues #146-149, Shadow returns to his mission of learning the truth of his hidden past… even if he has to destroy Sonic and the evil Dr. Robotnik to get it! This time, however, a bigger unknown threat lurks in the background, waiting to destroy them all! One of the biggest, boldest twists ever to hit the Sonic comic-verse happens here! PLUS: Another head-spinning cover by Spaz! 32pgs, FC SRP: $2.25
Sources: 86th Floor and Westfield Comics
Finally, the new series of Sonic X is airing at 10:30am on Channel Seven on Sunday 9th of October
Source: Cartoon Cenral Australia
While browsing Amazon, I came across Sonic 360, which is said to be released in the UK on December 2nd, 2005, for the Xbox 360, but not PS3. I'm a bit skeptical, since it was revealed only a few months ago, but Amazon is an offical website...
I think it's a typo, and they meant to put 2006. But check it out and see what you think.
Archie's Sonic The Hedgehog #154 is on sale in comic shops starting today.
Source: Diamond Comics
A new Shadow The Hedgehog game website has been launched that contains information about the story, characters, levels, and gameplay. It also has screenshots, movies, and samples of music from the game.
See it here.