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    New Shadow the Hedgehog Trailer has a new Shadow the Hedgehog Trailer showing Chaotix as charatcers in the new game as well other cinematics. The trailer also features a good deal of the new theme song.

    Downloadable from


    whats the name of the comic where lara-su appears? does she have any brothers or sisters? whats her age?

    Need info

    Hello i was wondering if you know the E-mail address for the Archie Sonic series because i can not get on to, it always comes up saying cannot find server please help. Thank you From Adrian

    dead or alive????

    Ummm in one comic Mina died, right?Then how come in another comic after that she was alive? It's kinda freaky!

    Sonic Rush Updates

    Gamespot has more useful info on Sonic Rush. If you go to the screenshots, you'll see that Tails in featured in the game, but not as a playable character.

    Source: Gamespot

    Copyright Laws

    Did you guys have to ask permission from SEGA to create a Sonic resource website? I'm just asking, because I need to know this before I can create my own Sonic website. Also, on my previous question about the website information, you said that images that aren't galleries and downloads are the only ones that need direct permission, I was wondering that if I use one of the images in your SA Imgaes gallery, if I can edit it a little. Yes, giving credit to you :)


    OK, first lemme say that I love the site. I used to read Sonic comics and watch the shows as a kid and have always been a huge fan. What I'm wondering is who is Eggman? Is it another name for Robotnik or just someone different?