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    CiTV to stop Sonic X after episode 36!

    According to TV guides, CiTV are about to mess up Sonic X again by finishing the current run on Tuesday 2nd August with episode 36. This means they will be stopping 4 episodes into the 6 part Sonic Adventure 2 adaption!

    Now doubt this is because of the previous change to their Sonic X scheduling (they were gonna miss out episodes 24 - 26). If they had missed out these episodes then the 2nd August would have been the date they showed episode 39 (the last episode in the set of 13 which they are currently showing) obiviously when they changed the schedule to show episodes 24-26, they didn't think about how it would affect later episodes if they stopped broadcasting Sonic X on the same date.

    Again I ask as many of you as possible to email CiTV: and ask them to continue showing Sonic X to the end of the current run. It worked before so hopefully it will work again this time!

    “Long” John Baldry (Voice of Robotnik in AoStH) passes away.

    Sadly John Baldry died this past Tuesday after a long battle with illness aged 64.

    Although he is best known with Sonic fans for his excellent portrayal of Dr. Robotnik in Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, he is best known everywhere else for his Blues music career. He had a Number 1 hit in the UK during the 1960s and is also credited with starting the careers of many British musicians, including Rod Stewart.

    He will be missed.

    Sonic Underground–ARCHIE

    Which comic is the Sonic Underground in? Is it a whole comic or just a page. Me and someone disagree about it.
    Thanks SO MUCH!!!!

    A Lack of Gems

    For all those in the US, Sonic Gems might be... "lacking". Basiclly, the Streets of Rage Trilogy does not confer with the E rating, so its been omitted from the US version. Why they couldn't change the rating is beyond me.

    It's unknown whether the PAL version will include this ommission. However, we can expect Vectorman 1 and 2. If you're wondering why Sega doesn't add Chaotix and SEGAsonic instead of games few of us have heard of, you're not alone.

    By the way, the Sonic CD soundtrack is the US version and there may be game improvements, such as team battles in Sonic Championship.

    Scource:Sonic News

    Character From Sonic Archie Comics

    There is a character on a few of the Sonic Archie Comic covers. He's red with spikes, with gold band like rings around his wrists and he has cream coloured hands like his arms. He is on Sonic Archie Comic covers 51 cheering, 69 facing Tails, 112 hanging from the plane and 125 between the 2 and 5 cards. I've heard that he's from one of the Sega Saturn games and I'd just like to know who he is and any more information about him, like what he looks like and abilities etc. Thanks

    Ken Penders will be at the San Diego Comic Con

    Posted by Ken Penders on July 06, 2005 at 18:01:36:

    Yes, it's that time again, and like clockwork, I'll be there, along with Macklin's drawing of Queen Sally and Julie-Su from M;25YL. (You're going to be there as well, right, Macklin? ;-)

    I'll be seated at Table JJ-2 in Artists Alley, so don't be shy. I'll be signing autographs, looking at portfolios, doing sketches, the same ol' same ol'. And yes, I'll have back issues available.

    As for the original art collectors among you, the key new piece available this year is the complete art to the 12-page story THE GOOD, THE BAD & THE UNKNOWN: PROTOTYPE from SONIC #146 which Steven Butler and I putting up for auction. The starting price for this puppy will be $1000.

    I'll be there from Wednesday Preview night until early Sunday afternoon, after which I generally close up shop and enjoy the last two or three hours walking the show with my family.

    As usual, there will be all sorts of surprises and attractions throughout the convention, and I even believe Sega may have a presence in one form or another at the show. I'll have more details when they become available.

    See you at the show.

    Source: Ken's Message Board
    Link: San Diego Comic-Con Official Site

    Mike Pellerito Answers Fans Questions

    A couple of things to keep in mind when reading:

    1) Mike answered these just before Memorial Day weekend.
    2) He asked me to delay releasing them because the board went down due to the EzBoard attack.
    3) If you rather just get the original Word file (or a text version I made up quickly if you don't have Word), go here.
    4) As the Mobius Forum is back up, his responses make up the rest of the post.

    Sonic times

    Hey just need some answers please^^

    I just need to know the exact dates^^ Of when certain series came out^^
    1: Sonic Satam
    2: AoStH
    3: Sonic Underground
    4: Sonic CD
    5: Sonic Fleetway
    6: Sonic Archie series
    I have seen alot of people saying they came out at rediculous dates, But I know you guys are very official and trust what you say^^ It would be great if you could help me out.