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  • Video Game Channel Finally?!

    It's every video gamer's dream, a channel devoted to video games 24/7

    Begone, Gamepro TV! It's time for some real video game TV watching.

    Comcast has announced that they are working on an all new television channel dedicated to video games, 24 hours a day. The idea came about from former E! Entertainment Television operator Debra Green and former Disney animation team head Charles Hirschorn, and the channel will be called G4. It should launch sometime next year, and will feature 24 hour programming dedicated to video game fans. No, not including any sort of Mario Bros. Super Show reruns, thank goodness.

    Thanks to for the scoop!

    Yes that's right. If all goes well in about a year people will able to sit in front of their TVs and get video games 24/7! Hopefully things will work out and video game fans will get an entire channel devoted to time. About time huh?

    Source: Sega Dojo