Articles By Sonique Hedgehog


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  • Will the real Shadow the Hedgehog please stand up?

    KojiChao of the StH Area51 MB and other various places, has translated a Japanese document which answers tells many secrets about Sonic Adventure 2 that were't revealed in teh English version. (we always get the shaft)
    It also explains why we're hearing about Shadow being in other games when it was believed he had died. You see, there may be actualy several Shadows lurking about... but I'm getting ahead of myself. Here's the story on what she had to say:

    FUS Sea3on Coimc Issue 2

    The second issue of Fans United for SatAM's Season 3 comic is done and uploaded. It's available in high, medium, and low quality. The layout is much improved I think, and so far, I've recieved much positive feedback.

    High quality 3,884 KB
    Medium quality 1,203 KB
    Low quality 649 KB

    Thanks to all who participated and helped out. Stay on the lookout for issue 3, probably sometime in January. Oh and as if me typing this:
    95 days, 9 hours, 36 minutes, 56 seconds
    till SatAM DVDs!

    Sonic Scam on Ebay

    I was surfing around on ebay and I saw an interesting item:
    SNES Sonic The Hedgehog 4 RARE Import!!!

    At first I thought it might possible be Sonic Crackers because of the 'Sonic 4' title it was given, then I saw it said SNES. (Super Nintendo Entertainment System) I knew something was up, and sure enough when I checked the link, I was right. The item was a fake.

    The item the loser is selling is actually a hacked Speedy Gonzalas (SP??) ROM made by someone when hacking was a big deal in the Sonic community. The ROM must have been put on some SNES cart, and the picture of the cart was pasted together with scenes of Sonic 3 and other games. All though so far, I've been unsuccessful in locating the ROM or the owner, but if anyone has it or knows who made the ROM, let us or ebay know so we can stop this scam. If it's one thing I hate, it's people taking advantage of Sonic fans. So if you see this item on ebay:

    DON'T BID ON IT! It's not real!

    Happy Birthday Sonic!

    Today is officially Sonic the Hedgehog's 10th birthday. Be sure to give all your Sonic toys a great big hug and wish him Happy Birthday.

    Happy Birthday everyone's favorite hedgehog! You rule!

    Yet More on Sonic Advance

    This is from E3 I think:
    Sega’s booth was closed to the general public, but that didn’t stop us from getting through the guarded doors to get a first-hand look of the first Sonic game to ever hit a Game Boy system -- Sonic the Hedgehog Advance.

    The game wasn’t playable, but it was running on Game Boy Advance hardware through a Wide Boy AGB device (you know, the development cartridge that enables developers to play GBA titles on an N64 and a television) as a self-running demo. And man, it was slick.

    The Game Boy Advance title, developed by Dimps, is based on the classic side-scrolling design, but it’s a game all its own. Sonic can run and jump, as well as spin-dash to get himself out of specific binds. Collecting rings is still the name of the game, and when you get hit by specific enemies, dozens of those golden ‘o’s go flying…showing off the GBA’s sprite handling capabilities. The game is super-fast as it should be, and there are plenty of corkscrews and loops to make players going dizzy.

    But that’s not all – the game also borrows from the second Dreamcast adventure – Sonic can now “grind” down rails in several places in the game. Though the demo only showed one instance of this feature, it was a lot of fun to watch. The graphics have also been completely redone, giving the hedgehog an edgier look to his classic design. And the pictures that Sega has given us show that you’ll also play as several different characters as well – Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy will be in the player lineup. And, like a good GBA game, it will support the four player link for multiplayer mini-games.

    The game’s being prepped for a November 2001 release.

    SA2 Party Pack: Pre-order Now

    NCSX is now taking pre-orders for the Sonic Adventure 2 Birthday Pack for $65, which was earlier reported:

    Sonic the Hedgehog's 10th anniversary lands on June 23, 2001 and Sega celebrates the decade-long run by releasing a commemorative edition of Sonic Adventure 2. In addition to the SA2 game GD, the special edition includes a gold Sonic engraved coin, a bonus music CD, a Sonic series history booklet, and nifty blue gatefold packaging. The product will only be sold in Japanese stores from June 23 (Saturday) to June 24 (Sunday) but NCS has an inside track on quantity. Pre-orders are open starting today online but will close once our allocation is exhausted. Core Magazine posted a feature on this product yesterday. Pricing is set at US$65