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  • Here’s Sonic X-Treme at E3 1996

    kukun kun has been uploading tons of rare old Japanese gaming TV shows and personal game recordings. This recently-uploaded episode of Famitsu's “Game Catalogue II” program covers E3 1996. The coverage of Sega's booth (starting around 9 minutes) shows some footage of the extremely ill-fated Sonic X-Treme. It looks pretty but there's not much to […]

    Free Comic Book Day this Saturday!

    On May 4th, Free Comic Book Day rears its head again. It includes previews, original content and reprints of popular stories. If you wish to find a store near you that participates on this day, the official website has a tracker you may use to locate such stores. Also, Tangle And Whisper #0 isn't a part of […]

    Sonic to See Redesign in Movie…Again?

    The Sonic the Hedgehog Movie trailer dropped on April 30th and was met with heavy backlash, particularly regarding Sonic's design. However, it would seem the criticism has not fallen on deaf ears, as film director, Jeff Fowler, responded with this: Thank you for the support. And the criticism. The message is loud and clear… you […]

    Yuji Naka was asked to cast in the Sonic Movie

    Not only has Yuji Naka, former head of Sonic Team, voiced his concern (like almost everyone else) of Sonic's movie design (and feeling partially responsible for some reason – It's not your fault, Yuji!) but apparently he was also asked to be cast into the movie however it looks like something fell through. そう言えば映画にエキストラ出演させて欲しいとお願いしていたのですが、忘れられたようですね。かなり前なので私も忘れていました。ハリウッド映画に出演したかったんですけどね。 — Yuji Naka […]

    Voice of Grounder/Robotnik returns in Sonic Movie!

    Yesterday the Sonic movie trailer finally released to the public to mixed criticism. We already had some of the more obvious Easter eggs uncovered but people have been quick to point out more.  One of the military generals seen at the discussion table around 0:39 is the one and only Garry Chalk! You may not know who he is […]

    New Sonic 2 assets uncovered!

    Throughout the many years since Sonic 2 was released we have gotten little details into the development of the game and very interesting info about scrapped portions and assets. Very notably the time travel mechanic as seen in Sonic CD was once going to be in Sonic 2. Now thanks to MegaBites Blog we have […]