It's not my place to say this, but please, don't post things that are rumors on the board. This has been said alot around here, I know, I've seen it happen alot.
For one, the Dreamcast 2 Issue was dated BEFORE the announced end of the Dreamcast. And above all, it is a rumor, and it's clearly stated in the rules of this news poster, which are directly above me as I type, Please don't post opinions, news rebuttals/corrections, or rumors here.
Again, it's not my place to say any of this, I know, and I wouldn't be suprised if somebody like Vec or somebody else tells me just to but out. But this place is 2nd to TSSZ to me, and I dislike seeing it cluttered with rumors or things that were already posted or known. (Like the "New Sonic Adventure 2 Trailer" -- the demo's been out for months, of course we know about the movie by now)
Anyways, I'll shut up now, and get back to studying for my drivers test. Have a nice day, all.