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  • Sega Scream If You Love Sonic!

    Stop thinking and SCREAM !!! Ladies And gents - the Sega Scream that defined Sega in the early 90's is officially back! And with it comes a new commercial that features a guest stint of not only Tails, but E-102 Gamma as well! ^___^

    Sega recently announced the introduction of a multi-million dollar advertising and marketing campaign to support the launch of's much-anticipated SegaNet, the only high-speed online console gaming network providing Sega Dreamcast and PC users with the ultimate in speed, reliability and content. The campaign, which includes one 60-second TV spot and two 30-second spots, was created by Foote, Cone & Belding, San Francisco and includes animated footage from Pacific Data Images, the creators of the award-winning animated feature film, Antz. ^___^ To kick off the campaign, Sega debuted the commercials on September 7th during the 2000 MTV Video Music Awards.

    The Play Online advertisement features the Sega characters whistling “America the Beautiful” while an announcer speaks about “whipping each other’s booty” using SegaNet. Kids are shown throwing their controllers around, screaming, tearing up teddy bears (no joke) and even blowing up their houses after competing in some fierce NFL2K1, NBA2K1, and Quake III. All this is highlighted by the Sega Scream, which is done in true oldschool Sega style. Those with VERY sharp eyes can pick up characters from Power Stone, Resident Evil, Fur Fighters, and Amigo from Sonic Teams Samba De Amigo - but most importantly Tails The Fox and E-102 Gamma From Sonic Adventure! Can you spot them in the picture above? ^__^

    Download The Commercial: "Play Online!" - 25337K
    Source: Dimension S And IGN

    Jet Set Sonic!

    Haven't you ever wanted to spray graffiti all over your hometown?

    Well - BESIDES the fact that you can get arrested for it, Sega is now letting us do it for thier videogames :) New Sonic Team graffiti designs have been made available for VMU download at the Jet Set Radio (aka "Jet Grind Radio") website! The designs include three Sonic logos, three PSO logos, and four Samba logos.

    Happy Spraypainting! ^___^

    Download Files from: Jet Set Sonic Downloads
    Source: Neo Green Hill Zone

    Emulinks A New Opportunity

    Andy Wolan - owner of Emuzone, the website that hosts us has opened up a new project that benefits gamers of all genres! The press release is below. :)

    As part of Emulation Zone's on going commitment to the emulation scene and to video gamers alike, we are proud to announce EmuLinks.Com . The goal of this new web site is to pick-up where many search engines, like Yahoo, leave off by offering a complete database of links geared toward emulation and video gaming. Since it's coded, owned and operated by us, a non-profit organization, you can be sure that we will strive to offer our viewers an unbiased service they can depend on.

    What makes our site unique from many "link sites" on the web is that our site is completely automated. This allows us to do things to our database of links unimaginable or too difficult to incorporate on site that are edited by hand, such as real time user feedback.

    The site is currently in its final beta testing phases, but just about all the bugs have been ironed out. I would like to cordially invite everyone with a related web site to on stop on by and submit a link to your site. Our team of reviewers will go through the link submission and review the sites accordingly.

    If you don't have a web site, we would like to welcome the public to play around with the site, add links to their favorite related home pages and give feedback on what they think of the place. :)

    Sonic #92 – Preview Spoilers: Guess Who?

    Dub here! Its _SUPER_ late my time and the Sonic #92 Spoilers are just in - and it looks like the return of a love him or hate him character. But THIS TIME - another writer and another artist are handling the chores....

    Sonic The Hedgehog #92
    "The Wrath of Khan"
    "Bagging The Big One"
    Written by Karl Bollers and Ken Penders
    Art by James Fry and Steven Butler
    Inks By Andrew Pepoy and Pam Eklund.

    The Wrath Of Khan! Monkey Khan, that is. The cyborg-simian created by Doctor Robotnik returns, and this time the furry fury's got it in for his maker and all Overlanders in general. In an ironic twist, Sonic goes from protecting the newly arrived Overlanders from the Eggman last issue, to defending them against Monkey Khan this issue! If he doesn't they might go running scared into Robotnik's clutches after all. And in the backstory, "Bagging The Big One," As his search for the Floating Island continues, Knuckles discovers he's the quarry of more than a few interested parties, each racing to beat the other. Unfortunately for them, this isn't the Knuckles they've all dealt with before...

    32 pages, $1.99, ships on Dec. 22.

    Eh. Looks to be somewhat decent - but then again I'm not a big fan of the Amazing Jackie Chan Chimpanzee either. :P Whenever he's been around its always been under the pen of Frank Strom. For once its Karl Bollers and since James Fry is handling artwork there is SOME hope. :)

    8 Issues From This One Till The Big Double Zero!!! ^___^

    Sonic J

    This is from Sega X:

    Sonic J Hands On
    by Will Curley

    In a recent interview WaveMaster's Yukifumi Makino spoke of Roomania #203 as emblematic of Sega Japan's current situation. If there's a gaming metaphor for Sega Europe surely it's Jet Set Radio. SEGA in Europe is every bit the counter-culture, ignored, shunned, rejected by the mainstream and the industry that controls it. Like Cube, Beat and Co. they must operate on the periphery, striking with dynamism and creativity - reeking havoc and doing it in style. SoE may not ha

    Alright, final news on Megaman X-Treme!

    OK, I've got it. This is DEFINATELY a new Megaman game. It's basically Megaman X1, but with new enemies (not bosses), and slightly revamped stages. This could change, but so far that's the scoop from me.
    So far, Megaman X-Treme looks like it'll be cool!

    Umex, signing out.

    Another appearence from Megaman on DC!

    In a new game. The game is a shooter which is called Cannon Spike. This game looks very odd for it has many other popular Capcom characters in it like Charlie and Cammy from Street Fighter! It will be at the cheap price of 29.99 and it will be released on September 18th! I am not sure if that is the US date or the Japanese date but we will have to see when it comes out!

    Other-M Release Next Issue

    Other-M, one of the most successful and original Sonic fan-comics, recently released their latest issue, OM#3. This issue marks two special events for Other-M: the first issue released only on the Official Site, and the first issue to bare the mark of the recent Other-M/Sonicverse Team merger.



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