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  • SatAM Sonic returns to Germany!

    Firstly, a BIG thank you to Chuckie Chipmunk, AKA Toni the Mink, for this great piece of news!

    This is what she said on the Mobius Forum:

    That's right, German Sonic fans. Starting in September,the SatAM series will return. The post I found this from was all in German, but I have a (rather lousy) translator. Here's the post in English:

    "The Sonic SATAm series comes into German remotelongs! For those, which missed it on cable 1: The rather stupid series nevertheless momentary l=E?f = t rtl II. keep from noble Sonic series of fans; the SATAm series will follow! Presumably at the beginning of Septembers."

    See the post here (aol/5863:126/

    Source: (aol/5863:126/

    Thanks again, Chuckie!

    Dreamcast Mouse news.

    Segaweb had the following to say on the DC mouse:

    Following yesterday's coverage of the impending Dreamcast mouse in Japan, I'm happy to report the techno-rodents are spreading to the UK as well. The peripheral will be launching alongside a new keyboard and VMU sometime before year's end. There's no word on the price yet, but when you think about playing Quake III with a controller, does money matter all that much? I didn't think so.

    So, something to keep an eye on for Dreamcast fans, huh?

    Credit: SegaWeb News Bytes

    Bleemcast, Bleempod, and Bleempad news.

    SegaWeb had this to say Tuesday.....

    Bleemcast now has a firm release date. Look for Sony's nemesis to hit store shelves September 14 along with the Bleempod and Bleempad (the peripherals that allow you to use Sony controllers and memory cards on your Dreamcast.

    More news for DC fans.....

    Credit: SegaWeb News Bytes

    Some More News on the Article Below

    If you're wondering if the episodes are from ABC or whatever, I wrote to the seller and he said this:

    The episodes do have static, but are still very easy to hear and see, there are 2 tapes, no commercials, and were recorded from ABC. Thanks for your interest.
    There ya have it.

    All 26 eps of SatAM Sonic on E-Bay!

    You read that title right, folks! All 26 episodes of SatAM Sonic are currently being sold in E-Bay right now!

    Click here to go to it!

    Be prepared to shell out some dough, as the current minimum bid for this as I type is $31 US, But I think a lot of people are quite willing to pay...

    Here's the link again.

    Official PSO Website is Active! has just been updated, with an all new PSO Website deticated to it! This new site includes actual art of Characters seen in the game, to the actual storyline!

    Unfortunately, the Site is only in Japanese. As the English Site is still under construction (Hopefully they're converting all the pages just for us poor english speakers), But if you happen to know where to get a decent Japanese translator, then go wild, and tell the world what the jumbled mess says at the Sonic HQ Mobius Forum

    Also in the Sonic team Update, The Yuji Naka Picture page was updated again. This time with pictures inside their Studio and various other places. Noticably a Train with this plastered everywhere:


    Source: The Phantasy Star Home Page at

    The Truth on Sonic Team

    Ok, it seems there is a bit of confusion here. Despite the fact that Sonic Team is "seperating" from Sega, they are still PART of Sega. Here it comes straight from the Official Dreamcast Magazine.

    In a move to make its first-party titles even stronger, Sega of Japan's internal Research and Development teams has been redefined as financially independant, seperate "companies" within Sega, and given a carte blanche to name themselves whatever they want.

    As you can see, just because they are "seperated" from Sega, they are still loyal to their parent company. Also- it was not Mr. Naka, not Sonic Team, but Sega itself that decided to let the R&D teams become more independant. Yes, there is a small chance these 'companies' might develop for other companies, but that is very slim, especially for Sonic Team. Sonic Team's home, it's parent, is Sega. If they were to stop developing for Sega, yes, that might bring bad news. But they're not stopping.

    Really, just don't jump to conclusions! These R&D teams are technically still part of Sega itself- there is almost no way they would take major risks in working for other companies. And as for Sonic Team, who SAID that they would stop making Dreamcast Sonic games? It's still the same old Sega, folks, read: They are not leaving Sega!

    Small mistake I made

    Thank you Neon Chaos, for pointing out a small mistake I mae. I forgot to give my source. Well, to learn more about the Sonic Team branching away from sega, go to I apologize again for making this small error.