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  • About The Q&A

    These are questions and answers that were submitted up until 2008. They could be freely submitted and a member of the staff would do their best to answer.

    Looking for Dr. FexusFan? His replies can be found here.

    limited edition

    hi I have a limited edition 10th anniversary sonic the hedgehog box set and was wondering if you have any idea how much it is worth? I actually won it last year put it in a drawer and forgot about it! rgds andy

    just a few questions….

    hi sonichq! i have a few questions to ask you guys... a)this is a little bit silly, but in the sega game series, does sonic love amy and just doesn't want to admit it? how does sonic really feel about her? b)is sega planning to make another console? when? c)any clue on when sonic adventure 3 is coming out? d)what is the use of knuckles' sunglasses? pleeeez reply my questions!! thanks.

    Sonic Crackers?

    You mentioned something about the new sonic game called "Sonic Crackers" what is it about and if you don't know, where can I find this information?

    Looking for an issue number

    Hi. Recently I became a "born-again Sonic fan" after being away from the series for a while (because I was a Nintendo guy.) But then I got SA2B, loved it, and rediscovered my love for the hedgehog, the fox, the echidna, the Eggman... etc.
    Anyway, my question is this. Way back before my Nintendo years, I had ONE issue of the Sonic comic book. (That I can remember.) It was called "Vertigo A-Go-Go", it started off with one of the characters yelling the logo, and in the middle Sonic went to the Special Zone and there was a little picture of a Genesis controller. What issue number was this? I want to go to the Scans page and see stuff from it...
    Great site. It's "as cool and blue as me!" Well, maybe not the blue part.


    okay you guys, really what is the deal with tails? we all know he has this crush on sonic. my question is why would you make fox gay. i had sonic the hedgehog from the master system to the dreamcast. why didn't you just leave the fox the way he was? why give him a sexuality crisis?

    The Freedom fighters

    Do the Freedom Fighters exist in Japan?thats just pretty strait forward what my question is.

    Sonic Mega Collection

    I saw in the news section of this website that Sonic Mega Collection will have many Sonic games on it, as well as Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and Sonic & Knuckles. Will we be able to make them program together to get Sonic 3 & Knuckles? Will we be able to play as Knuckles in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 also?

    another sonic movie?

    i love sonic adventure series and i'm wondering if they'll ever make another sonic movie in 2002 or later. i heard sega made a sonic movie before. if they make a movie, which i hope they do they should base it on the video game and not on archie. thanks for your time man.

    Sonic 4!???? Wha…..?

    I saw on another website (This was back when I thought this place sucked cause of that whole Mario hq thing=P)That there were rumors goin' around. Is there even a GRAIN of thruth there? regarding sonic comics:I know this must sound PRETTY ignorant, but in Archie comics how did the freedom fighters get there new looks? I've bee dieing to know!

    sally in a game

    I was playing sonic spinball and I was in a bonus round and I saw sally and bunnie rab-bot and other freedom fighters I looked in your profiles abount them being in that game but it doesn't why.