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    Sonic the Comic Online #244

    Sonic has faced many terrible enemies, but none as terrible as the tabloid press... except possibly his own fans! Meanwhile, Big the Cat faces the hordes of the mob, and Ristar makes his STC debut! Hero, icon and fan-favourite, Ristar is all these things - as long as he can keep certain scandalous footage out of the public eye!

    #244 also features a write-up of the STC fan meet at Birmingham International Comic Show, and a review of the new Sonic Rush Adventure game!

    Source: Sonic the Comic Online

    F.F of the Galaxy names.

    Ive looked alot of places, but i cant find the names or clearer pics of the 'desendents' of the FF in issues 103-4.
    Could you shed a little light on this, please?

    I have 2 questons

    1) In wikipedia it said that there is an episode 79 of sonic x is that true?

    2) Is Rikki-Le related to Lara-Su?


    Accordng to Play magazine,the game is slated for release Feb.1st 2008.Well,the plot is:When Sonic discovers an artifact that can alter gravity.As Sonic's rival,Jet sets out to steal the artifact.The game is also due to contain new characters to the Riders series.