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    Sonic Mobile Announced for Panasonic Phones

    Right before E3 opened, Sega announced that Sonic will be making another appearance on selected mobile phones later this year. According to Sega, Sonic Mobile will first be available as an embedded game in Panasonic's upcoming VS3 smart phone, which will be released across Europe this summer, with other Panasonic models to follow in both Europe and Japan. Sonic Mobile will feature the same levels and controls as the original Genesis game, minus the bonus stages. Sega has also indicated the game will feature music from the first Sonic game. Screenshots of the game indicate a highly accurate reproduction in terms of graphical fidelity, although Sega has added bars to the top and bottom of the screens to preserve the original's aspect ratio.

    Source: Gamespot

    Sonic Gems Collection Info

    Nintendo Now have just posted images of various game displays from Nintendo's E3 booth. Included is Sonic Gems Collection on the Gamecube, which features controller layouts for Sonic the Fighters and Sonic CD. This is SOLID PROOF that these games will be included in Sonic Gems Collection. Expect more details as E3 unravels...

    Source: Nintendo Now

    Sonic X UK annual & season2 Books for USA!

    There hasn't been a sonic annual in the UK for YEARS, and this year see's a SonicX annual being published.

    And two books from the new series [53-78] are to be published in America.

    please note: the two books MAY be published in the UK also. As lists them. But do not give either "UK price" or "UK equivalent" for US imports.

    Kragok’s relations

    After reading a lot of comics, I found out something strange about Kragok's relatives. In Knuckles #18, Kragok says that his father is Moritori Rex but in "Shadows" from SSS #11, Simon tells Julie-su that the father of Kragok and Lien-da is Luger, Moritori Rex's son. Which one is it? I've heard that Constable Remington is Kragok's son. Is that true? Thanks for your time :)

    ‘Sonic Rush’ Patented by Sega

    Sega have patented another title in the US Patent listings, called Sonic Rush. Could this be the Sonic R Extreme rumoured to grace the PSP? Stay tuned, as the answer will more than likely be revealed at E3 later this month!

    New Shadow Game

    Is it true that SEGA's releasing a new Shadow game? I've heard people talking about it here and there in sites and threads; some people are able to supply posters and pictures via Internet. If they ARE making a new Sonic game, when's it going to be out?