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  • rule #8

    what is and where is rule #8.


    Where can I find Sonic Comic issue #134?

    Knuckles and Julie-Su

    1) how can knuckles and julie-su be around the same age? knuckles is 8 generations down from tobor. julie-su is 2 generations down from moritori rex. but motori rex and tobor are around the same age. doesn't seem to make sense.

    Sonic Nominated for Walk of Game

    The Second Biggest Election of the Year, and Guess Who's Up!

    Everyone point your browsers to It seems that our eternal blue fire has been nominated for a spot on San Francisco's Walk of Game, which honors gaming icons and creators.
    So how about it? If you're a true-blue Sonic fan, then go right ahead and cast a few votes for Sonic the Hedgehog, and some for Shenmue creator Yu Suzuki.

    locke and lara-le

    I am new to the knuckles series dose anyone know why locke and lara-le whent there sepret way's?


    which forms does Chaos evolve into in Sonic Adventure? (Chaos 1, Chaos 2, etc.)