In the wake of the Archie Knuckles cancellation, Sonic fans all from all over have gotten together to create a petition to try and help save the book and convince Archie that cancelling it was indeed a mistake – especially after the release of Sonic Adventure, a guaranteed sales booster. Headed by True Red – the “Save Our Knuckles” campaign” has just started and she needs as many signatures as she can to try and help save the book.
If you wish to try and bring back the Knuckles comic, click on any of the two banners below. Also feel free to use the banners on your website if you support the cause! Good luck Knuckles fans!

In other news – we're announcing one last time that there is also the SatAM petition that is still going on as well, for those that wish to save the original Sonic cartoon.

Thanks! And good luck Sonic fans!