Articles By Lighty


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  • A Taste Of The New Comics Section!

    A new comics section is in the works and can be found here: It is still very much a work in progress but you can search through issues 1-189. Soon to come: All Sonic the Hedgehog comics, Sonic Universe, Sonic X, Specials and Knuckles. Please stay tuned!

    The Return of Content!

    The animation section has been “remastered”? for the newer layout and is just the first of this site’s major overhaul. Comics is coming next so stay tuned!

    Announcing FanArt Beta!

    We will now be rolling out a new feature for SHQ. A revamped fanart section! To begin using it, you will need to be a member. You will see an option in account settings to enable it. From there you will be able to upload your fanart! Please note it is still a beta and […]

    Sonic Generations Demo 2: My thoughts

    So another demo of Sonic Generations was released yesterday for XBox 360. The PS3 version is slated to release on the 25th. The file is about 600 some MB but downloaded fairly quickly. Upon entering the start menu you are treated with being able to play Green Hill Zone which is presumed to be the […]

    Sonic HQ Archive Now 98% Working!

    All broken links and images have been corrected. The only exception to this is the Directory section which is requesting files that are no longer in existence. The SHQ Archive can be located here. Also a reminder that the Archive is a “read only” sub portion of the site.