I read the review and saw the scans of issue 141 and I learned that Remington was «Zorched». But I can't really get what exactly that means. Can you lighten that up for me?
I read the review and saw the scans of issue 141 and I learned that Remington was «Zorched». But I can't really get what exactly that means. Can you lighten that up for me?
When she first appeared in Knuckles #12, Gala-Na was violet colored, yet later in the sonic series, she became red. What happened?
Heya Dr. FexusFan! You rock! Anyways, what the schmegen does schmegen mean anyways plz answer!
why is mario a better super hero then sonic the hedgehog and why is nintendo doing so much better then sega fexus fan please respond
i just wanted to ask you, why aren't you aloud to post R-rated fan-fics, it's noT as if younger fans will actually look at it
What are the Lyrics for Shadows song in Sonic Adventure 2 battle?
Please x Infinety could you tell me, thanx.
what the heck is a cheesy bamburger i can't find them in the store anywhere FEXUS FAN RESPOND
How did you get permission to use pictures from the Sonic comic books for this website? The reason we ask is because we want to do the same thing for our site but we're afraid of breaking one of the copyright laws or something.
hey fexusfan my brother's been hanging around this girl I like could i buy scooter bombs i really want to scooter his daisy head
I was watching SonicX one day and I heard Knuckles sigh. I made an observation that his voice was very similar to Yami Yugi in Yu-Gi-Oh! I also noticed that a newreporter was Mai, and that Amy was Serenity, both from Yu-Gi-Oh! also. Why are three characters from a famous anime show on a Sonic cartoon?