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  • Chao Behavior

    My Chao, Chai, has been acting really odd lately. I was giving him some Condors and Skunks when all of a sudden his halo changed from purple to orange and he just sat down, smiled, had a heart over his head all the time, and a ring of flowers would appear around him. What does all this mean? Please tell me!! I'm dying to know what's going on with Chai!! Thanx! ;)

    chaos garden?

    where is the chaos garden and how to find it in sonic adv 2:battle

    ristar and sonic

    i have played sonic mega collection and unlocked ristar and acording to sonic history sonic was suppose to be a rabbit that grabs stuff. so was that idea revied as ristar?

    2 SHQ’s?

    I went to Sonic Fan Games HQ and found a link there.However, when I went here,it looked different from when I come here through the favorites.Wassupwitdat?Are there two Sonic HQ's or somethin'?

    a question for fexusfan…

    BONDIGGY!!hoo is amys momme?qwert.*pukes*I need to stop talking like that.... I wonder what moldy cheese tases like??? SHIGGY!

    Comic Con Date

    I was reading the news bord and saw the 2003 Sonic Comic Con will occure soon. Were will it take place?