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  • Sonic #96 Spoilers – ALREADY?

    Anyone else wondering why these spoilers are so dang early? Didn't Sonic #95's spoilers JUST come out? I like it when things are ahead of schedule, but the spoilers are here at Sonic-speed! Or is that Mina-speed? Anyway, at this rate, #97's spoilers will be here in... oh... 5 days, 6 hours, and 22 minutes. I'll be waitin'!!!


    Sonic the Hedgehog #96
    Written by Karl Bollers & Ken Penders
    Art by James Fry, Ron Lim & Ken Penders

    "The Messenger." The answers to many questions are revealed - and a few new ones are raised. Has his Majesty's Secret Service learned of Sonic's heroic, secret trip to Robotropolis? Will Princess Sally and Sonic finally see each other again? Has Dr. Robotnik finally figured out a way to get back into Knothole Village?

    32 pages, $1.99, ships on April 6.

    The Spaz cover looks odd to me... mostly because I can't tell what's happening. Sonic and Mina are being chased by one of those SatAM-ish hoverpods, and... are riding some kind of hoverbike? I dunno! That's what it looks like! Or some big robot in front of them? Curse my 20/30 vision!!! I'll wait for it to be colored...

    And what's this... "Has Dr. Robotnik finally figured out a way to get back into Knothole Village?"??? He finally got into Knothole? Cool. ^^

    This will be another issue that Fry and Lim will pencil. Fry's work, IMO, is excellent, but Ron Lim, as quoted by someone I know, "is the devil." We'll see how it comes out, though. Ken Penders also writes and inks the Knuckles story, which is missing spoilers again. Well, at least it ain't Ron Lim. :)

    This also marks another issue where Sonic and Mina star on the cover together. The question "Where's Sally?" has been on the minds of many fans, and it's on mine, too. Since Mina is scheduled to become Sonic's new "love interest", who knows where Sally'll be??? Probably going for Mina's throat...

    The events leading up to Sonic #100 are proving to be more interesting with every bit of new information. I wonder what they've got planned for it. ^_^

    That's all for now.

    Source: Comics Continuum

    Sonic in Shenmu

    While maybe not earth-shattering news, small Sonic-themed figurines can be bought as you play the new marvel game from Sega: Shenmu. While it really does nothing to the advance the game, it's fun to see the 3-D Furs. So far, all but two characters from Sonic the Figthers have been found (the two missing being Metal and Super Sonic) by me. Another note of intrest is that they are by their Japanese names (i.e. Nack is called Fang and Dr. Robotnik called Eggman).

    Rockman X5 Characters

    This is semi-old news, but I've been busy with college and I'm just now getting to updating the site again.

    The new mavericks in Rockman X5 are Crescent Grizzly, Bolt Kraken (most likely Sonic Squid in the English version), Tidal Whale, Shining Hotarunix (a FireFly), Spiral Pegasus, Spike Rosered, Burn T-Rex, and Dark Necrobat. So far, this undoubtedly looks like the most interesting batch of mavericks yet, at least in design and concept.

    New reploids include Doglas, Alia (an information source), Life-Saver (repair robot), Signas, and Dynamo.

    You can see pictures of the new armors, reploids, and mavericks at

    Source: Zero Tolerance

    Holiday News

    Happy Holidays, friends--whatever you may be celebrating this time of year. It's been a long time since I've actually written news for Sonic HQ, and I send out my apologies for that. But, enough of that, let's get to what you really want--news! I bring in my big red stocking today more sales information for PSO, Saddam Hussein Stockpiling PS2s, and Sonic Team Junior's Holiday gifts to their fans.

    A new rumor

    I'm not really sure if this is true or not, but I heard a rumor about a new Sonic cartoon. They say it is called "Sonic Kids". I'm gonna look into it a bit.

    If you know more about it I'll post something at the Mobuis forum if I ever find anything about it.

    Phantasy Star Online no. 3, Sonic Adventure 2 demo available for download

    PSO is no.3
    IGNDC's daily Jap. top 10 has PSO listed as number 3 for December 22nd. At number 2 is another DC game called "Let's Make a J-Leage Soccer Club Expansion", which was also released on December 21st.

    Sonic Adventure 2 Demo Available for download
    From TSSZ:
    That's right--AJ Freda has the guts to do it! You can grab it by heading to this link, but you're on your own as to how you get it from the PC to the Dreamcast.


    I do believe Sonic HQ is incorrect on something. On an earlier post, someone noted, and I quote:

    Another thing to note, ODCM [Official Dreamcast Magazine) has also announced that the release date has been pushed back until Fall of 2001. The reason for this being is because Sonic Team wanted to ensure that the Sonic Team would have enough time to make the game everything that they wanted it to be.

    I do believe I heard it'll be delayed elsewhere too, but I don't remember where. And now, they say just to the right of this post, and i quote:

    Sonic Adventure 2 is set for release on February, 2001

    Now I think they are wrong on the February thing and I do believe it was pushed back but I could be wrong. I just don't want anyone to get their hopes up and I hope Sonic HQ corrects their mistake.