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  • SA2 movie now in MPEG!

    SegaWeb has brought to us a MPEG version of the SA2 video which was shown in Quicktime Format by DC.IGN when E3 was on. this version also has Music! But its just the Startup of Sonic Adventure 1, its much faster, so you QT haters can now rejoice ^_^ To see pictures and descriptions from […]

    Sonic the Comic – And now the conclusion!

    The last ever issue of the brilliant STC to contain a new story is currently on sale. It’s thoroughly unmissable with plenty of surprises. So what on earth are you waiting for? Go buy it!! (No cover image because it’s got a huge spoiler IMO)

    The Weasel Strikes Back

    Ken Penders, in response to a posting on his site, has leaked out the stories for Sonic#91 & #92. See Ken’s site ( for details. What’s more, it appers he will be using my idea. So someone at Archie DOES listen to the fans

    Weekend News…On Monday

    Hello again, you can fault this late entry to an Internal Server Error which made me unable to file anything yesterday. But that is behind us, so let’s get on to the news. First, take a look at this article posted by Blaze Hedgehog on the SFGHQ, it could mean great news for Sonic fan […]

    Sega and Motorola

    Motorola and Sega announce intent to create Strategic Alliance,Demonstrate Games on Wireless Phones at JavaOne. Sega and Motorola are teaming up to develop wireless electronic entertainment. Here is the article And here are some pics: ? ? Source: Sega Japan

    <B>No need for a Mod chip!</B>

    According to Segadojo (and a million other Sega sites), you will now be able to play import Japanese games on an American Dreamcast using the DC Gameshark CDX! For a measly (yeah, right) price of $50 or so, you can have hundreds of DC game codes, along with the ability to play import games. Sweet. […]

    Want to Help Perfect Chaos?

    Okay, PC has been falsy accused of a copyright violation, so be sure to contact them about this if you want to see the site back up. this email is my personal server and this one is as a whole so pick which ever you want to write to. The first one would be […]

    A Quick News Update

    Hello, no Weekend News this week since A)The CGI system went cuckoo on Sunday (this was NOT SHQ’s fault), and B) The problem has fallen right into my exam week. But, before I go, I want to quickly note that JD Harding of The Sonic Corner has done three major things in the past two […]

    Ken Penders and Ben Hurst Sonic Movie?

    Ken Penders revealed in last night’s chat that he is writing a Sonic Movie script with Ben Hurst! The movie is supposed to feature the best of the Archie and SatAM continuities. Ben Hurst is writing the first draft now. Now go tell them to put the Chaotix in it. 😉 Source: Perfect Chaos