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  • Sonic Lost World coming to Steam

    Yeah, you read that right. In an announcement that came completely out of left field, Sega revealed that the (formerly) Wii U exclusive Sonic Lost World will be launching on Steam on November 2nd. The Nightmare DLC will also be included. It’s probably safe to assume the Zelda and Yoshi themed DLC won’t be. The […]

    Sega 3D Fukkoku Archives 2 announced, includes Sonic

    Famitsu revealed a second retail compilation of Sega 3D Classics set to release on Nintendo 3DS in Japan on December 23, 2015. Five games were announced to be included, with more to be revealed along the way: 3D Sonic the Hedgehog 3D Galaxy Force II 3D Thunder Blade 3D Altered Beast 3D Fantasy Zone II […]

    Sonic amiibo unlocks Sonic Yoshi

    Have you managed to get your hands on a Sonic amiibo? Have you ever even managed to see a Sonic amiibo in person??? Because he and practically every other amiibo (besides the Pokémon for whatever reason) unlock an alternate costume for yarny Yoshi in Yoshi's Woolly World. There he is! Pretty adorable, right? Right. A […]

    Sega announces 3D Sonic the Hedgehog 2 for 3DS

    Sega is continuing their 3D Classics line and they're bringin' some heavy hitters. They recently announced on their blog Sonic the Hedgehog 2 will be getting the 3D treatment, along with Streets of Rage 2 and Gunstar Heroes. Helluva lineup there. These ports are likely still being worked on by M2, who have been doing […]

    Sonic HQ – April Fools Past

    No April Fools jokes this year. Couldn't come up with anything. (It's hard!) I don't think there was anything last year either. However, I give you April Fools of SHQ's past. Surely you remember: Sally Moon Shadow HQ Chris HQ FexusFan HQ Lien's Knuckles' Adventure FexusFan in Sonic Riders Shadow The Hedgehog Movie Sonic Babies […] Sonic Charity Marathon

    TSG is a gaming group that hosts charity events throughout the year playing different series each marathon for many different charity organizations. Since 2008 they've held over 30 main marathons raising nearly $500,000.   The Sonic marathon has started and you can check it out below: Watch live video from TheSpeedGamers on Donation link:

    Humble Sega Bundle Adds Sonic Generations

    Sonic Generations (along with Viking: Battle for Asgard) have been unlocked for the beat-the-average tier, which currently sits at a mere $3.72. Generations is a solid port. Also, be sure to check out the excellent Unleashed Project mod too! As mentioned before, if you already bought the dollar tier, you can upgrade your purchase through […]

    Humble Sega Bundle is Live

    For a mere dollar you can get the Dreamcast Collection, NiGHTS into Dreams, and Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed for PC on Steam! The Dreamcast Collection includes Sonic Adventure DX, along with Crazy Taxi, Space Channel 5: Part 2, and Sega Bass Fishing. Those ports are kinda crappy but Sega has recently been working to […]

    Nintendo reveals Sonic amiibo for Smash Bros.

    Nintendo unveiled a new wave of amiibo figurines for Super Smash Bros., including Sonic and ten other characters. Like the rest of the Smash amiibos, Sonic here is based on his official character portrait from the game: If ya didn't know, amiibos are used in Smash Bros as personalized computer characters. You can customize their […]