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  • New Coat Of Paint

    I figured it was time for a new, fresh look. The other theme will also get tweaked and I do hope to still add more in the near future.

    Comic Reviewers Wanted

    We’re looking for comic reviewers! Anyone can take part in this. All you need is a SHQ account which can be registered here. A link for posting reviews will appear on the side when logged in. Current reviews can be found here.

    More Music!

    Sonic 1, 2, 3 (and Knuckles) and Sonic CD have been added to the music section!

    Announcing New Music Section!

    You can find it here. It contains all tracks from SA, SA2, Sonic Heroes, Sonic 2006, Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Colors and Sonic Generations. More is definitely coming! You can search out individual tracks or even search by artist. Music is streamed through your browser. It even works on smartphones. No flash required. Enjoy!

    Comic Section Revamp

    I’m happy to say that the Comics Section has been redone with more HTML5 in mind. I hope this will improve the user experience! You can scroll through using your mouse wheel, the mouse itself and even the arrow keys on the keyboard. Note there are still some comics are missing from the database and […]

    Sonic The Hedgehog 237 Preview Pages

    We’re testing a new experimental feature by offering the preview pages officially released in a HTML5 format that modern browsers can take advantage of. Sonic The Hedgehog # 237 Description & Preview Pages Want to read the full issue? You can get it here!

    Remember the old Sonic HQ?

    I mean the really old SHQ. Sonic HQ of years past. Chances are you haven’t seen it in a while! Special thanks to Andy for all the files!

    Announcing Midis Section Return!

    Well it used to be called the music section but it’s really 90% midis. You remember those, right? The thing that was popular on the web before mp3s took off and would play in the background with no option to turn off. Well we have some. Don’t worry, they don’t play in the background. You […]