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  • SonicNEXT Officially Opens

    Zifei Wu, former hed of Sonic HQ, and several other HQ members have opened a new Sonic source, SonicNEXT. If features everything essential to the Sonic fan: News, Game Information, Comic and Cartoon Info, a section devoted to Fan Material, and more. To check it out, click here.

    Interview with Rotor The Walrus

    Sonic HQ's exclusive interview with Freedom Fighter - Rotor The Walrus is here!.....How in the world did we do that you ask? Well, anythings possible in a cartoon! ^_____^ The following message was sent to him (or rather written in advance) to precede the interview. This interview is by Bumper. Now, read on!

    Interview with Sonikku Team

    Welcome to Sonic HQ's exclusive interview with Sonikku Team member CyberKnux! Sonikku Team is working on several fan games, including Sonic Quest and Metal Sonic Quest. Henry Prower is the host of this interview.

    The Sonic HQ Relaunch!!!!!

    Sonic HQ is officially working! There should be no missing links anywhere on the site, except in “Fan-Fics” (due to an unexpected transfer error), and “Music” (where the links DO work – you just have to see the explanation on the main music page to use them properly). If you find any, please e-mail […]

    SEGA announces: Official Dreamcast Championships 2000!

    SEGA recently announced the date and location for the official Sega Dreamcast Mobile Assault Tour Championships! Date: February 5th, 2000. Location: Sega GameWorks on the Las Vegas strip. Two teams of Sega Dreamcast Mobile Assault Vehicles(MAT vehicles) are touring more than 45 cities and 200 locations. For those of you who dont know, the MAT […]

    Secret SEGA project in development!

    According to IGNDC, SEGA actualy has a secret game in development! Take a look at this article: In the latest issue of Denki magazine, it was reported that Sega is currently working on a secret project which is due to be announced next March. According to the report, it’s rumored that the game will actually […]

    Ho Ho Ho!

    A new download is present on the Sonic adventure Homepage! This turns station square into a winter wonderland, ok so I lied, it just puts up a couple of Christmas trees around the place. The download takes up about 55 blocks in your VMU. Also, there is a little surprise if you make Sonic go […]

    Dreamcast UK reviews SA.

    While I was checking the website of the Dreamcast UK magazine I came across a review of Sonic Adventure. While it’s not something new, it’s realy interesting to check out since it’s quite funny. You can read the review here. Source:Dreamcast UK magazine webpage

    Chu Chu!

    NextGenVideos has reviewed Chu Chu Rocket! with 13 screenshots and exclusive footage of the game in action! Go see it here SOURCE: