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    Sonic Editorials: The Rotor Rumor! Rotor’s Robotization…

    A new editorial is here ! Today, Sonic fan Trevor “Bumper” Lake takes a look at the situation surrounding the rumor concerning Rotor’s robotization. And he won’t exactly be happy with the creatives types at Archie if it happens to be true… This editorial comes in part of our “Editorial Challenge” for this month. The […]

    SatAM Season Three a reality!

    We’ve been waiting for this for an AGE, and finally we can tell you that it’s true – SatAM, after five years off the air, has been brought back for a third season! The new season will be shown on weekdays towards the end of this year. However if that’s too far away, perhaps the […]

    Sonic SatAM News from TeamARTAIL/Ben Hurst

    Artie of Team Artail and the SatAM petition posted news about Ben Hurst’s meeting. on his site today. He has heard from Ben Hurst, who gives some information regarding network TV. There is no actual success yet, but the most important part is that actual letters are more powerful, and he encourages fans to send […]

    A Word Or Two About The Mystery Poster

    Hello all. Lately we have had two attacks on this newsboard by a person using the public poster to basically mar the names of myself and Zifei. Once when I was away getting my wisdom tooth taken care of and once yesterday. We have an idea of who it is, but basically this person is […]

    Poll Position and Editorial Challenge!

    Guess who’s updated todays polls! In todays area we have 3 new ones mainly focusing on Archie and SegaSonic. PLUS we’re issuing an editorial challenge as well. More details afterwards. Devils Advocate Poll – Lately most tend to agree the Archie comic needs to have a shot in the arm. Playing Devils’ Advocate – Out […]

    Dreamcast Magazine Website Launches!

    Here’s something to tickle your fancy. ^_^ The official Sega Dreamcast magazine has launched its website. Hip hip hooray. Located on it will be information about the issues, news, reviews, previews and all that jazz. :O) Source: Official DC Mag

    Penders Chat Fall Down – Go Boom!

    Guess who’s chatroom meeting exploded again? ^___^ When asked whether there will be another chat meeting (#3) Mr. Penders had this to say: Bob and I are currently working with the ISP in order to correct this problem, now that we’ve learned the problem is on THEIR end. As soon as the matter is resolved, […]

    Sonic VS Mecha Sonic – Mach 3: Round 1 – FIGHT!

    Westfields released the large color version of Sonic 85. Coolness. Now that we can decipher the cover from its black and white phase, it seems Spaz has made it a riff of Marvel VS Capcom. ^_^ Interesting take though. While the previews state that its Silver Sonic, it looks like Archie had a change of […]