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    Sonic Underground Canned Again

    I was just at and found out by their schedule, Sonic Underground is no longer a part of SciFi! I checked everywhere and as far as I could see, the last episode will air Thursday, February 18. This may be a good break for the SatAM to return, especially if SU keeps on going […]

    Sonic the Comic 174 — “GAME OVER part 2”

    STC 174 is released TODAY! And it’s fantastic, too… Cover: Richard Elson & John Burns. Recognisable partly for the stunning picture of Robotnik holding Sonic, but also for the ‘Free Super-Sonic Space Spinner’ things on the front. Quite how it works, what the point of it is or how it relates to Sonic (apart from […]

    Sega Dreamcast Championships

    Last Saturday, Sega fans, Sonic masters, various members of Sonic Team, and a host of celebrities gathered at Sega Gameworks in Las Vegas for the first annual “Dreamcast Championships.” Before the night was over, one of four Sonic fanatics would be deemed best Sonic player in the nation, pick up a check for $15,000, and […]

    Sonic #84 Spoiler

    Written by Ken Penders, art by Steven Butler and Pam Eklund. “Perfect Chaos.” As Super Sonic battles Perfect Chaos, Knuckles and the Freedom Fighters do whatever they can to save those in danger from the raging waters. With Super Sonic weakening, the heroes’ only hope is to get the generator – which is underwater and […]

    SSRG Hacked

    In something that one can find to be incredibly ironic, the SSRG was not available yesterday; in fact, it was pointing to a very offensive picture. The problem, according to the webmaster of ZTNet, was this: DNS has a primary and secondary (and even additional servers) that contain information on how a site is accessed. […]

    Sonic The Hedgehog Comic Sales

    Here are the sales generated from Archie’s Sonic the Hedgehog comics: Total average monthly circulation number: 133,908 Newsstand monthly sales average: 40,716 Monthly subscription average: 5,338 Comic stores/direct market monthly average: 46,054 Others (free give aways, print testing): around 1,000 Source: SoNiN of The Sonic Foundation

    350,000 Hits!

    I’m putting some info up in the Time Capsule about the 350,00th hit. Brian Sapinski got the 350,000th hit on February 1st.

    More “Sonic Party” News

    This “Sonic Party” News comes from the Dreamcast Magazine’s website. Sega of America let slip this exclusive shot of its forthcoming Mario-party style Sonic game, Sonic Party. According to sources from within SOA, the game will feature a more adult Sonic, who ‘boozes, schmoozes and cruises’ his way through the game, which it described as […]

    Chu Chu Rocket Demo

    Chu Chu Rocket is available to play in demo form, ON YOUR COMPUTER.It uses Shockwave. Go check out this link! Chu Chu Rocket It’s in Japanese, so here’s how you play: If you didn’t know, you have to guide the mice (Chu’s) into the rockets. To do so, you must place an arrow square on […]