thats what Ken penders hinted, there may be a chance that the Knuckles Comics could come back!
"At the risk of fanning a few flames here, I just thought you guys would like to know that there's been talk recently of reviving the KNUCKLES series. Whether this is due to an uptick in sales that hasn't been disclosed to us yet, a resolution with distribution problems, a response to the petitions they've been receiving, or a combination of all of the above, I can't say. What I can say is that the subject HAS been mentioned to Justin, and that he's waiting for them to give him some idea of what they're thinking is. So if you still want your KNUCKLES series back, feel free to continue your efforts. You MAY just get your wish. (I CAN'T say you definitely will, but some hope is better than no hope, right?)"
So rub your hands together knuckls fans, your dream might just come true, again