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  • From the depths of SHQ’s archives

    SHQ has received a lot of various "rumors" over the years. Mostly in the past. Considering it's now been over 10 years since these "reports" were submitted, I figured to shed some light on a few. I won't be showing the names. Just the title and content. These were all submitted to SHQ's older news feed.

    Site Optimizations

    We've made several site optimizations across the site over the last week or so. The music section most notably looks better and the entire site as a whole should render better on mobile devices. It's still not perfect though. (Nearly 40% of our traffic is mobile!) Please let us know any features you would like […]

    Big Upcoming Update!

    We don't want you to think this place is being completely abandoned. The next update will serve as a pivot point for the site. Most people come here for Sonic comic related news and information. According to Google Analytics, more than 2/3rd of all site traffic is comic related. It's time for this site to […]

    Announcing Midis Section Return!

    Well it used to be called the music section but it’s really 90% midis. You remember those, right? The thing that was popular on the web before mp3s took off and would play in the background with no option to turn off. Well we have some. Don’t worry, they don’t play in the background. You […]

    Reintroducing Games and new Sonic HD section

    I’ve added a Games link to the menu. It’s still very much a work in progress! Additionally, you can find a new subsection in the Animation section dubbed as “Sonic HD” containing HD Sonic content, some fan made, some official. Oh yeah, also testing a new layout.

    A Taste Of The New Comics Section!

    A new comics section is in the works and can be found here: It is still very much a work in progress but you can search through issues 1-189. Soon to come: All Sonic the Hedgehog comics, Sonic Universe, Sonic X, Specials and Knuckles. Please stay tuned!

    The Return of Content!

    The animation section has been “remastered”? for the newer layout and is just the first of this site’s major overhaul. Comics is coming next so stay tuned!

    Announcing FanArt Beta!

    We will now be rolling out a new feature for SHQ. A revamped fanart section! To begin using it, you will need to be a member. You will see an option in account settings to enable it. From there you will be able to upload your fanart! Please note it is still a beta and […]