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  • Mike Pellerito Answers Fans Questions

    A couple of things to keep in mind when reading:

    1) Mike answered these just before Memorial Day weekend.
    2) He asked me to delay releasing them because the board went down due to the EzBoard attack.
    3) If you rather just get the original Word file (or a text version I made up quickly if you don't have Word), go here.
    4) As the Mobius Forum is back up, his responses make up the rest of the post.

    Sonic times

    Hey just need some answers please^^

    I just need to know the exact dates^^ Of when certain series came out^^
    1: Sonic Satam
    2: AoStH
    3: Sonic Underground
    4: Sonic CD
    5: Sonic Fleetway
    6: Sonic Archie series
    I have seen alot of people saying they came out at rediculous dates, But I know you guys are very official and trust what you say^^ It would be great if you could help me out.

    Sonic is 14!

    June 23rd, 2005 was Sonic the Hedgehog's 14th anniversary! Let it be a happy birthday to the greatest video game character of all time, one of the few franchises now that stands for true gaming and not constant mass appeal!

    Happy 14th birthday Sonic the Hedgehog, and many more!

    Sonic X Miniseries date

    If you have archie Sonic #150 you may already know this {I'm still waiting for #148} but the Sonic X {mini}series is set to debut on September 21st, perhaps to coincide with Season 2 of the cartoon.

    Naka Talks Next-Gen Consoles

    In a recent article, Sonic Team head Yuji Naka has expressed interest in all three next-gen consoles:

    PlayStation 3 - "I am very interested in its high-quality graphics capabilities. It's equipped with a graphics chip that's twice as powerful as the high-end [graphics card] for the PC, which allows it to make realistic expressions that haven't been possible before."

    Revolution - "I look forward to the 'new kind of fun' that's unique to Nintendo, and I expect that there will be a lot of surprises, such as the unannounced controller. It's also great that we'll be able to play Famicom and other games via download. I hope Sega games will be playable as well." [Note: A number of Sega games have been released for Nintendo consoles by Sunsoft.]

    Xbox 360 - "[Microsoft has] used its knowledge from Xbox Live to evolve their network, making its services and controls even more convenient for the user, which I think is a very attractive point."

    Source: Gamespot Article

    Streets of Rage in Sonic Gems?

    According to an IGN Article, there will be more hidden games in Sonic Gems Colection:

    "Sources in Japan are reporting that, rather than just one entry in the Streets of Rage series, Sega will be including all three entries as part of the collection. Streets of Rage apparently won't be alone. Sega will also be including the original caper game, Bonanza Brothers with the collection, our sources report. And this, apparently, isn't the end of the fun in this fun-filled collection."

    Could this mean the inclusion of other missing games, namely Segasonic and Chaotix?

    6 cents

    you have all probably noticed but if you didn't the price of Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog has gone up 6 cents to $2.25.